UGC NET Paper Solution HRM-2014
UGC NET Paper Solution HRM-2014

UGC NET Paper Solution HRM-2014

Q.1) Match the items given in List I with those in List II

 List I List II
APredictive analytics to help anticipate the result of HR strategy1Job specification
BStatement of purpose, scope, duties, task and responsibilities of job2Emest J. Mc. Comick
CPosition analysis questionnaire3Job description
DStatement of qualification and qualities required of an employee to be successful4Workforce analytics


Answer.   (a)

Explanation: Analytics types include descriptive, predictive and prescriptive. Predictive analytics help to anticipate the result of HR Strategy. Workforce analytics help to determine the required HR strategy in order to better implementation of Human Resource Management practice.

            Job description indicates the purpose, scope, duties, task and responsibilities of job. What type of job performed by which employee is explained by job description.

            Position analysis questionnaire is developed for evaluation of job skills and applicants factors that match with the job. It was developed considering training and development with

            Job specification explains the required qualifications and qualities in candidates to qualify. It describes the required skills, traits, education and experience a candidate need to qualify. 

Q.2) Match the items given in List I with those in List II

 List I List II
AProcedural rules1An interim or final determination of any industrial dispute.
BManagerial aspects2Terms and conditions of employment and control on transfers, promotions etc.
CSubstantial rules3Mechanism of dealing with interpretation and implementation of agreements.
DAward4Assignment of work and adjustment of workforce

Answer.   (b)

Explanation: Procedural rules are the rules that governs manager’s behavior, worker’s behavior and behavior of trade unions associates. It provides the code of conduct which supposed to implement by the above parties. For the welfare of employees, employers, customers and government.

            Assigning work and management of workforce is belongs to the managerial work. Fourth point is the only point in list-II which describe the work of manager which always focus on accomplishment of organizational goal.

            Substantial rules are concerned with the rules(terms and conditions) which applicable for specific people such and candidates for employment, candidates or employees for transfer or promotion.

            Award section 2(b) of the industrial act 1947 explains the award  as an interim or final determination of any industrial dispute.

Q.3) Match the following

 List I List II
AAn ongoing and formalized effort that focuses on developing enriched and more capable workers1Direction phase
BA career development activity in which managers make decision regarding the advancement potential of subordinates2Career development
CA career development activity that focuses on preparing people to fill e executive positions3Promotability forecast
DDetermining the type of career that employees want and the steps they must take to realize their career goals4Succession planning

Answer.   (b)



Direction phase is the stage of career development in which right information and counselling is provided to the employees in order to realize their desired career.

Career development is the continuous process in which employees as well as employer take efforts to achieve organizational goal as well as the career goal of employees. Employer take efforts to make employees more potential with executing their career path.

Promotability forecast is related to the identification of employee’s potential regarding how much responsibilities the employees can perform. It can be an activity towards career development which executed by the decision the manager take regarding the employee’s potential.

Succession planning is the process in which the employees are developed in such a way that these employees will be capable to fill required positions in organization.

Q.4. ___aims to reduce reliance on arbitrary methods of pay determination by introduction an element of objectivity in the way jobs are compared.

a. performance appraisal

b. job evaluation

c. job enrichment

d. attrition

Answer. (b)

Explanation: randomly without investigation and comparing it not possible to determine the worth/value of the job. Many attributes are required to consider while comparing the jobs to determine its value/worth. Job evaluation method always avoid the arbitrary(randomly decide) methods of pay determination.

Q.5. Match the following

AThe process of examining how work creates or adds value to the ongoing processes in a business1Job enrichment
BA fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in cost quality, service and speed2Job design
CThe process of organizing work into the tasks required to perform a specific task3Work flow analysis
DThe process of putting specified tasks back together so that one person in responsible for producing a whole product or an entire service4Business process reengineering

Answer. (d)

Workflow analysis involve in ensuring the excellency in operational efficiency by continuously examining the work done from start to end that is from input, transformation and output.

Business process reengineering is belonging to the redesigning the process to reduce the cost and increase the operational efficiency. It focuses on making improvement by rethinking about the better ways to execute various activities of business.

Job design is belonging to determining the roles and responsibilities and the ways the job is done. Job design includes job rotation, job enlargement and job enrichment. What the job required, how it will be completed is indicated by job design.

Job enrichment is concerned with adding extra responsibilities in the existing to increase potential. The difference between Job enrichment and job enlargement is the types of responsibilities and authority given.

Q.6. A formal explanation of knowledge, skills, abilities, traits and other characteristics necessary for effective job performance is known as

a. job description

b. job analysis

c. job specification

d. job enrichment

Answer. (c)

Job specification indicates the specific characteristics, skills, knowledge and abilities required to perform the job effectively.

Job enrichment is part of jog design which involve in increase in responsibilities with authorities which may be different than previous.

Q.7. Which of the following is not an effective resource of recruitment for a middle-level managerial position?

a. company website

b. In-campus interview

c. Head hunters

d. newspapers

Answer. (b)

Explanation: In-campus interview is not effective due to lack of experience. Middle level management required sufficient experience to take right decision and lead the team to complete the responsibilities as per expected standard. Whereas company website, head hunters and newspapers are the resources from where required candidates can be attracted.

UGC NET Paper Solution HRM-2018

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