Google’s Great Efforts in Weak Economy
Google’s Great Efforts in Weak Economy

Google’s Great Efforts in Weak Economy

Due to the recession in 2008, most of the companies were struggling. But google was performing more that expectations. It had increased its revenue and profit during the recession period.

Google achieved the fourth position in “Most Admired Company in the World”. It was as per Fortune Magazine in 2009 rating in regards of their management and performance. Google’s increased revenue and profit in 2009 expanded its lead in searches and widened the market share in online advertising market.


Google Started selling new product

During the period of 2009 google started selling online books. Google sold 10 million books during 2009. Google implemented diversification strategy and got the success in. Goggle was not charged any charges for search engine due to which they could got widen network of people. The network of millions of people across the globe making google position dominant in the market. Googles founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, each of them has 30 voting rights in the organization. They established a golden rule “Don’t be evil”. This rule directed the employees of the organization towards coordinating their efforts towards the firm’s mission.

Another rule googles employed was “Give up Control” which means giving the control to the other for having the input for their software. Google always focused on attracting more customers. Their policy is to get as more customers as they can get. In the year 2009 the share price of google was significantly increased due to the decision about launching the operating system.

Google’s decision regarding operating system is directly influencing the market leader Microsoft. Google’s strategic plan is to attract Microsoft towards all the business of google such as browsers in which 66 percent of Microsoft where as 1.8 percent of Google’s market share, in office suit Google’s was 1.6% whereas Microsoft of 10 %, web searches google have 65% whereas Microsoft has 8 % during 2009. Google chrome will be free to all computer manufacturers such as HP who used Microsoft operating system for a fee to consumers. Microsoft launched window 10 to stand dominantly in the market and believes the consumers to switch away to Google’s operating system will not be more beneficial. Google was the mostly visited web site across the globe in 2009.

During this year google launched the powerful apps in Google doc. Such as word processing, google spreadsheet and presentation. These apps have been provided by Google free of charge. Most of the apps of Google have been free due to which Google could stand dominant in having more website users.

Microsoft and yahoo merging may be more vulnerability for google which was pending. Around 95 percent of total revenue earned by Google have been from online advertising. As the Google’s Dominant positing in having largest website users in internet search and advertising, the US Govt. Justice department may find Google under scrutiny regarding possible antitrust infringement (Antitrust law always protected the market from monopoly).

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