Cognitive Learning Theory
Cognitive Learning Theory

Cognitive Learning Theory

The cognitive learning theory created by Edward Tolman (American Psychologist). This theory states that the advanced learning (Latent Learning) is the apparent learning which observed in the results when motivational factors applied. Edward conducted an experiment on three groups of rats to know the new way of learning. Rats assigned a task of competing a path. Every group rewarded differently after completion of path.

First Group

Reinforcement provided after each path completion. Fig. 1.1 shows the maze which has two ends.

Fig. 1.1 Maze shows experiment on rat of group 1.

First Group of rats provided the food after each time when rat completes the maze path. maze path starts at one end and by specific path completes at another end. Rat supposed to run from one end to another in shortest proper path. again, and again rat puts at one end and exit from another. This experiment conducted for 17 days and the rat performance observed. In this experiment the recoded observation includes how many mistakes the rat was doing. How many times the rat complete path without mistakes. Food given to rat every time when rat complete the maze path. Food or reinforcement motivated the rat to complete path quickly.  

Second Group

No reinforcement given after every completion of path till 10 days. After ten days from 11th day the reinforcement provided to rats.

Fig.1.2  Maze of experiment on group 2.

Third Group: No reinforcement given during entire period of experiment. In this experiment the rats have completed the path without any reinforcement.  

Fig. 1.3 Maze of experiment on group 3.

Conclusion of Experiments:

  • In first group where the reinforcement(food) provided to rats after each time when they complete the maze path and reach at exit point. At beginning rat did many mistakes but after sending them again and again at entry point, they have completed with less mistakes.
  • In third group no reinforcement(food) provided to rat. Without reinforcement the rat in third group completed the maze path and reach at exit point.
  • In second group initially rat took more time to reach at exit point. But as soon as the reinforcement provided to them, they started completing the maze path in short time and with less mistakes.
  • In second group experiment the Edward Tolman observed operant learning or we can say hidden learning skills in rat. These operant learning comes out only when there is some benefit or reward or purpose. Same thing happens with employee performance. In first group and third group experiments, the rat reduces the number of mistakes but not as much as it reduced in second group experiment. In second group experiment, the rats were known the path but had not implemented as early as when they realize the benefits. As soon as the reinforcement provided from 11th day, they started to reach at exit point quickly. The rat expressed their skills when they got reward after 10 days. They had already learned the cognitive map in 10 days experience. 
  • In second experiment Edward observed one operant learning factor for motivation is the reason or purpose of implementing the knowledge and skills. Productivity or performance of employees not increases due to reinforcement as much as it increases due to the purpose or reason of implementing learning or knowledge and skills.

Key concepts of cognitive theory are latent learning and cognitive map.

Latent learning: Latent learning is the type of operant learning (hidden learning) which adopt the individual but not use unless and until it realizes the benefits after use.

For example

  1. Child at the age of 2-5 age start learning from seniors. It uses that learned behavior when realizes the purpose of benefits. We learn different types of behavior at childhood but implements when it is useful.
  2. In the organization the employees having different skills does not use all the skills. But utilizes the skills to achieve specific purpose. The purpose such as increase the performance to get incentive or promotion.
  3. The managers or employees have knowledge, experience and skills but utilized when it required or realized the use, benefits of utilization.

Cognitive map: Individual learn the Cognitive map using external factors. Processing the knowledge, perception and decision are the factors which makes cognitive map.

For example

  1. A person when in journey from Hyderabad to Mumbai realizes the confirmation of right path when external factors observed such as Nanded, Aurangabad and Nashik. These cities are external stimulus which makes the confirmation of following the right path towards destination.
  2. Another example is when some employees visit the office daily.   

Goal Orientation: Every individual always use the learning or skills only when there is specific purpose or need. In the above examples there is the purpose such as reaching the destination from Hyderabad to Mumbai in first example. The knowledge about the path expressed the confirmation through external stimulus. In the second example, when employee during office time reaches the office with the help of cognitive map which already adopted in his brain. Purpose or goal are the factors which enable individual to use the learning without reinforcement or conditioning.

Conclusion of the Theory:

            Edward Tolman after the experiments of rat has found that there is Latent Learning. Individual cannot express or utilizes this learning unless and until he/she realizes the benefits or reward or purpose. In his experiment of second group, he realizes the difference between awareness and unawareness of reward plays vital role. Awareness about reward after having skills, knowledge and experience plays vital role in increasing performance.

From the second group experiments the rats after ten days learned the skills. They had enough experience to complete the path from one end to other without mistakes or less mistakes. But this learning called the latent learning. This learning is not useful unless the purpose.

 According to Edward Tolman we daily learn many skills or collect huge knowledge but do not use. We use this learned skill, knowledge, and experience only when we have purpose or we realize need or we realize some benefits when use.


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