Classification of Production
Classification of Production

Classification of Production

Classification of Production: Job Production

Production is the process of converting raw materials into complete products that are ready to sell in the market. Production management strives to ensure excellence in executing all the activities of converting input (various resources) into output in the finished products. Production management studies different factors while selecting an appropriate manufacturing system.

Production methods or types of production are categorized into two classifications. Intermittent and continuous. Following fig. 1 shows the classification of output.

Intermittent manufacturing or production system manufactures the products at irregular intervals and customers’ specifications are responsible for the quantity and variety of products. The Intermittent production system enables the management to produce varieties of products. it consists of

  • job
  • Batch
  • Project production.

Job production

It is an intermittent type of production that runs according to customers’ orders. The production quantity and varieties are based on customers’ given specifications of products. 

  • The tailor prepares and alters the wearing clothes according to the customers’ given specifications.
  • The Bakery prepares or produces varieties of cakes to customers’ requirements.
  • A software-making company makes the software according to the customer’s specifications of the client. 
  • Manufacturing of paint is in batches. Each batch executes one process to produce paint.
  • Shoes-making companies use batch production types consisting of different batches. Each batch produces single variety.
  • Construction of dam requires project type of production

Characteristics of Job Production

Job Production manufactures the production according to the customer’s specifications.

Job production produces varieties of products such as bakery cake, altered clothes, software for business, and gadgets for large projects of ISRO and DRDO. In the manufacturing or production of these products, the customer gives specific requirements, and based on these requirements the production activities are executed.    


  • Tailor alters different types of clothes required for men and women according to the customers’ measurements.
  • Small software companies are involved in making the software for their client or customer according to given specifications or requirements.
  • The bakery shop makes prepares a different variety of cakes according to the customers orders.

Production is as ready to deliver the basis

“Ready to deliver the basis” is concerned with producing the products in a short period so that they will be ready for customers within the given time.

Production quantity is less

      Job production manufactures the products only when the customer demands them. So there is few production quantity. The job production system is not involved in producing the products for stock. For example, a tailor alters the cloth which is for specific customers. The software company makes the software according to the client’s requirements. Thus the quantity produced in job production is less as compared to other types of production.

Use of General Purpose Machines in job production

      Job Production uses the general purpose machines for the production of all varieties of products. for example, the bakery uses the same equipment for the preparation variety of cakes. Tailor alters the different types of cloth using the same tools. Software companies prepare the software using the same machines(computers) or sometimes the same platforms. Electronic or electrical companies which produce specialized products can utilize the same or general-purpose equipment.

  Process layout is useful in the job production (layout by function)

      Process layout or layout by function is the structure for physical arrangement which consist of similar operations and machines. This arrangement is located at the same place. It helps to run the activities conveniently or easily, effectively, and properly. It can reduces time and cost.

Job production requires highly skilled labour.

      Job production utilizes the same employees and physical facilities for the production of varieties of products. So many skills are needed to produce varieties of products using general-purpose machines. It will enhance the capacity of handling varieties of products.


High variety of goods produced

Job production produces different varieties of products due to different orders obtained from several customers. Every customer requires different specifications or requirements in their product.

Less overall investment in machines & equipment.

Job production reduces the cost required for heavy and costly machines. It produces the products by using high skills and general purpose machines which reduces the overall cost.  For example, in the tailor shop, very little machinery is used to produce varieties of cloth required for different customers. Specialized machines require high costs and it is not possible to utilize in job production.  

Able to handle a wide variety of product

As it produces several varieties, it enables the employees to handle a wide variety of products efficiently and properly. Their experience makes them eligible to handle different varieties easily.


Complex Scheduling

Scheduling requires a certain quantity of production. Production quantity in job production is limited to customers’ requirements due to which scheduling is quite difficult to make and implement.

High cost per unit of product produced.

Fixed cost is less than variable cost due to which the cost per unit product is higher in job production. Economies of scale are difficult to implement in job production. It is possible to reduce the cost per unit product by producing a single product using the same resources such as employees, machinery, and other physical resources. But in the case of job production, there is manufacturing of several products according to the customers’ requirements. Thus the cost per unit is higher.

High variable cost involved

Job production deals with variety of products due to which there is high variable cost and low fixed cost.

Longer production runs because of the discontinuous flow of material.

The production run is concerned with continuous production of a single variety with fixed scheduling and routing. Scheduling and routing are not possible In job production. So there is not continuous flow of activities and material. It lead to increase in the production run.

Large work-in-progress inventory.

Work-in-progress inventory is the stock of semi-finished products useful in the production of the goods completely. Semi-finished material or inventory in mass production is utilized continuously whereas in job production it is not possible to use us continuously due to discontinuous work.

e.g. General repair shop, a tailoring shop p, a software company, bakery, etc.


Job production is useful in the production of products that can easy to produce. It can satisfy the customers by fulfilling their expectations. It is very important to satisfy every customer to increase loyalty. Retaining customers is one of the essential factors for the business which uses job production. Job production enhances the skills of employees due to more experience in producing varieties of products.  


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