Attitude Measurement Techniques
Attitude Measurement Techniques

Attitude Measurement Techniques

Attitude measurement techniques

different types of measurement techniques used in research which quantify and collect the data in different way. It becomes more essential when research is going to measure the attitude or perception of respondents. Following are some scale used while collecting or measuring the attitude of respondents toward the subject.

Thurstone Attitude Scale

Thurstone attitude scale measures the attitude and opinions of respondents by two dimensions, agree and disagree with the given statement.  Thurstone attitude scale puts 1-11 scale to have different opinions or attitudes of respondents towards the subject. Several statements focus on different attitudes and perspectives of respondents towards the subject.               

Following are the statements regarding layoffs many organizations implement to make cost-cutting. A layoff is a method of removing employees temporarily or permanently.

A layoff is the right solution for cost-cutting

  • Agree
  • Disagree

A layoff off is responsible for an increase in unemployment

  • Agree
  • Disagree

Layoffs can be a temporary solution for a running business

  • Agree
  • Disagree

A layoff is not the only alternative for cost-cutting in an organization

  • Agree
  • Disagree

The organization always prefers layoff for cost-cutting

  • Agree
  • Disagree

A layoff is not the proper way for cost-cutting

  • Agree
  • Disagree

A layoff is a cost-cutting solution in any situation

  • Agree
  • Disagree

A layoff is an effective solution for cost-cutting in an Organizations

  • Agree
  • Disagree

Organizations implement layoff methods for stability

  • Agree
  • Disagree

Organizations have unnecessarily implemented layoffs

  • Agree
  • Disagree

Agree and disagree opinions of respondents on different statements quantify them in a specific category more specifically. Respondents have several choices to present their opinion on our subject.

Thus Thurstone scale provides a more accurate technique to quantify the attitude or opinions of respondents. Respondent’s perception measurement can also be possible through this measurement scale.

Likert Scale

The Likert scale is the most commonly used measurement scale to quantify the respondent’s opinions or attitudes more accurately and specifically.  Respondents don’t present their opinions at the extreme points. The Likert scale helps them to present their opinions between two extreme ends. It enables the researcher to address the exact opinions of respondents likertert scale uses five to seven choices to present the attitude or opinion of respondents. Agree, strongly agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree are the choices used in the Likert scale to know the opinions of respondents.

Examples questionnaire using the Likert Scale

Based on the level of Satisfaction:

Are you satisfied with the salary and incentives given by your organization?

  • Satisfaction
  • Highly satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Highly dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
Based on importance:

How much organic farming is important

  • Very important
  • Important
  • Moderately important
  • Slightly important
  • Unimportant
Based on how Frequently

How frequently do you visit the mall?  

  • Never
  • Rarely
  • Occasionally
  • Frequently
  • Very frequently
Based on the level of interest:

How much the students are interested in online education?

  • Very interested
  • Somewhat interested
  • Neutral
  • uninterested
  • very uninterested
Based on Agreeableness:

“Offline education is more effective than online education”

 How much are you agree with the above statement?

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • disagree
  • Strongly disagree

Semantic differential Scale

The semantic differential scale provides multiple-point rating options to the respondents. A semantic differential scale is used with two extreme ends which make it a bipolar scale. Usually, this scale uses 7 point scale to measure the attitude or opinion of the respondent with multiple points of their points.

Two ends scale such as satisfied and dissatisfied, yes or no, agree or disagree, love-hate, good or bad, etc. opinions of respondents are taken towards different statements. Several statements were provided regarding the subject. Respondents can present multiple opinions towards the statements.

Following are some examples that present the way the semantic differential scale is used.

Example: following fig. 1.0 shows examples of questions use semantic differential scale to know the respondent’s attitude.
Fig. 1.0 Questions used semantic differential scale to get the attitudes of respondents

Cumulative scale or Louis Guttman’s Scalogram analysis

Louis Guttman developed cumulative scale or scalogram analysis in the year of 1944. It is a unidimensional scale in which a series of statements are asked to respondents for his/her agreement and disagreement. it determines the extreme opinions of respondents towards the subject.  

In this scalogram analysis, the number of statements is formed in such a way that they are interlinked. One onion about the last statement indicates the preference or opinion regarding the previous statement. Following are the examples which show Guttman’s technique or Scalogram analysis. 

Example 1: Agreeableness of farmers toward organic farming
  • Organic farming practices are useful for the health of the soil.
  • I would prefer to produce organic produce for our self
  • Organic farming helps to produce healthy food
  • I would like to adopt organic farming practices  
  • I have ticed organic farming for three years.

The above statements are shown in the following table 1.0

 Respondent1Respondent 2Respondent 3Respondent 4
Statement 1AgreeAgreeAgreeAgree
Statement 2AgreeAgreeAgreeAgree
Statement 3AgreeAgreeAgreeDisagree
Statement 4AgreeAgreeDisagreeDisagree
Statement 5      AgreeDisagreeDisagreeDisagree

Fig. Table 1.0 Scalogram analysis for farmer’s agreeableness toward organic farming

Example 2: interest of the customer to buy a Netflix subscription     

  • I would like to watch movies and web series on Netflix
  • Watching a movie is the best alternative to change the mood
  • I always prefer to watch movies on Netflix
  • Netflix provides a variety of movies and other entertainment
  • Collection of movies at Netflix is better than Disney Hotstar
  • Some movies on Netflix belong to true stories which inspire us  

All the above statements are used to make the following table 2.0

 Respondent1Respondent 2Respondent 3Respondent 4
Statement 1InterestedInterestedInterestedInterested
Statement 2InterestedInterestedInterestedInterested
Statement 3InterestedInterestedInterestedDisagree
Statement 4InterestedInterestedDisagreeDisagree
Statement 5      InterestedDisagreeDisagreeDisagree
Statement 6      InterestedDisagreeDisagreeDisagree

Fig. table 2.0  Commutative scale used to determine the interest of the customers to buy Netflix subscription     

Error Choice Method

The error choice method works more accurately as it relies on the selection of one answer just like an aptitude test. Opinions or attitudes of respondents are different from the same object when it is part of the information test and aptitude test. 

Sentence Completion Method

Name itself and explain what it means. This technique deals with the completion of incomplete sentences to know the respondent’s prediction and attitudes towards the subject. Incomplete sentences are made in such a way that the respondent’s attitudes are easily filled to complete the sentences.

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