Staffing is the process that maintains the potential staff for the accomplishment of organizational goals. It ensures excellent contributions from eligible and capable employees. Staffing executes various human resource management activities to provide productive employees who make significant contributions to achieve the organizational goal.
Staffing Process
Staffing is implemented in the organization by following the steps
Manpower planning
Deciding in advance regarding the future course of actions of human resource management. It includes the decisions regarding recruitment, selection criteria, training and development programs to be conducted, etc. Manpower planning is responsible for the execution of all the human resource management activities which are as follows.
- It determines the number of required employees
- It provides the proper guidelines to execute the programs such as training and development, performance appraisal, etc.
- Manpower planning help to direct the human resource management department to maintain excellence in the execution of various Human resource activities.
- The Manpower planning includes the decision regarding the increase in the workforce for the expansion of the organization.
- Planning regarding the training and development program needs to conduct for newly appointed employees or existing employees.
- Manpower planning involves deciding on the promotions of eligible employees to higher positions.
- Thus manpower planning takes every decision about the future course of actions regarding human resource management practices.
- Taking decisions in advance regarding the human resource policies for recruitment, selection, remuneration, and promotion. The policies are the standing plans that direct every activity or future course of action regarding various human resource management practices.
Recruitment and selection
Recruitment is the process of attracting as many applications as possible from various sources. Recruitment is conducted by internal sources and external.
Organizations use internal as well as external sources of recruitment. Preferably organization tries to fulfill the position using internal sources of recruitment. Internal source of recruitment provides loyal employees which are more familiar with the organization.
Internal sources include
Present employees: organization always prefers to appoint present employees to fulfill the current positions. Present employees are more reliable and are more familiar with the company policies and culture due to which their performance in that position will be better.
Former employees: retired employees whose past working record is good invited for specific responsibilities in the organization
Employee referrals: employee referrals can easily determine the employees’ loyalty. That is why sometimes companies prefer to appoint employees referrals for a specific position in the organization.
External sources include
Campus interviews: TCS, Cognizant conducts campus interviews at various reputed engineering colleges.
Advertisement: advertisements in newspapers such as Ascent of Times of India attract potential candidates to apply for various positions in the organization.
Consultancy agencies: Private agencies can also provide eligible and capable candidates and employees to fulfill various positions in the organization.
Example :
TCS, Cognizant, and many multinational companies employ both sources of recruitment. For higher positions, they prefer internal sources and for freshers, requirements are fulfilled by campus interviews and external consultants. Some institution also provides potential candidates who are trained.
TCS and Cognizant made a tie-up with external training organizations such as Udemy to train newly appointed employees.
Selection is the process of finding suitable candidates for a specific position. Decision about a selection procedure depends upon required positions. The selection procedure followed by various organizations includes the following steps
- Preliminary interview
- Selection test
- Employment Interview
- Selection decision
- Background verification
- Physical examination
- Job offer
Multinational companies conduct aptitude tests and other technical tests to determine the potential of candidates. After selecting the qualified candidates undergo a training program that makes them capable of performing the roles to which they will appoint.
Orientation and Placement (Induction Programme)
An induction program arranged for newly appointed employees make them familiar with the organization’s culture, rules, regulations, company policy, goals, etc. The induction program provides training or guidelines to the new employees to perform their duties properly and efficiently.
Example 01:
IndiaMART InterMESH Limited company conducts the induction cum training program for newly appointed marketing/sales executives. The company train and provides guidelines to perform the responsibilities of the sales team.
Training and development program:
Training and development program is useful to increase the skill set of employees. This program arranged for new employees as well as existing employees according to the requirements of the organization.
Training enhance the skills and productivity of employees. It increases the job knowledge and confidence of employees which leads to increased organizational productivity.
On-the-job training increases the knowledge and skills of employees which make them more productive. It enhances the organizational overall productivity. Increased productivity of the organization contributes to the growth and increases profitability.
Bharat Forge Ltd. Is the world’s no. 01 forging company that provides on-the-job and off-the-job training. Apprenticeship training and internship training are provided to the newly appointed and contract basis employees. The company appoints these employees full-time based on their performance.
Performance evaluation
Every employee’s performance measured by the organization for a specific period usually one year. Every year any organization measures the performance of employees to promote and retain potential employees. Performance appraisal implements to ensure whether the employees are performing as per expectations or standards set by the organization.
Cyient Ltd., TCS, and Cognizant are multinational companies that implement standard performance appraisal methods to measure employees’ performance. The performance appraisal method determines whether employees are capable of higher positions and deserve an increased salary.
Performance evaluation can determine the employee’s potential to send them as an expatriate in other countries. For example, Cyient Ltd. (Infotech Ltd.) sends expatriates to complete the assignment as customer sites.
Performance evaluation explores the potential of employees. Organizations can take major decisions based on their strength factors. The strength of the organization is identified through the performance evaluation of employees.
Promotion and transfer
The organization takes the decisions regarding Promotion to higher positions and transfer to other branches or departments, based on the employee’s performance and potential. Performance evaluation determines the potential of employees.
Example :
All the above-said organizations such as TCS, Cognizant, Cyient, Tata Motors, Reliance, and the like other MNCs promote the experience and potential employees, and engineers to higher positions such as project manager, project coordinator, etc.