Functions of Trade Union
Functions of Trade Union

Functions of Trade Union

Justice to the members of trade unions is the primary function of trade unions. Every member of a trade union always expects benefits in terms of wages, working conditions, compensation, etc. following are a few important functions that the trade union performs.

Collective bargaining

Collective bargaining is related to the way the trade union negotiates with the company in regard to the benefits the employee should get. Collective bargaining made by trade unions always focuses on providing better working facilities for workers, fair remuneration, compensation, etc. that satisfy the employees.


            United Auto Workers(UAW) is a prominent trade union that strives for workers in UK automotive industry. General Motors is one of the largest automotive companies. UAW and GM have a long-term relationship and a history of collective bargaining.

            Issues of the members the UAW observed:

            Job security: With technological advancement and innovation along with Artificial intelligence

there was fear of job insecurity. UAW wants to assure workers from GM about their job security.    

Retirement benefits: every worker was in need to have retirement benefits and a pension plan

Profit sharing plans: Union wants the agreement regarding profit sharing plans so that workers can take benefit of the company’s profitability

UAW advocated in regard to the above issues and provided all the said benefits to the members of UAW.

Representation on behalf of employees

This function of a trade union is involved in ensuring the management or government bodies or any higher authority of any organization should know the demand of workers. What workers deserve and what rules the authority or management should be complied with. Trade union act as workers’ voice and addresses the various problems workers face while working with the organization. these problems include unfair remunerations or wages or salary, the worst working environment, insufficient compensation, etc.

Protection at workplace

Trade union ensures the implementation of all the labor laws at the workplace so that the workers are protected from unfair practices, discrimination, unfair wages, hazardous activities, lack of safety while working, etc.

Grievance Handling :

Trade union follows the grievance handling process through which they facilitate better communication between company management and employees. Employees always demand and expect more than what the company provides them. Due to this, the generated disputes can affect their relationship which influences the organization’s productivity. Trade unions resolve conflicts or disputes by proper grievance-handling procedure.

Health and safety standards:

Trade union strives to provide good working conditions, and safety norms to be implemented by the organization for employee safety and it ensures all the necessary physical facilities required for employees’ safety provided by the organization. Trade unions raise complaints when an organization is not providing safety norms and good working conditions.

Developing employee’s potential through skill development and training

Trade unions arrange training and development programs to make their members more capable to work in any technological environment. It ensures the employee’s competency by developing their skills through skill development programs. It invests in its member’s skillsets, and education and contributes to making a skilled and adaptable workforce.

 Ensure the Job Security

Trade unions always strive to provide job security to the members. Unfair dismissal or uninformed termination causes insecurity among the workers. Any employee expects job security to work in the organization for a longer period of time. And employee loyalty contributes to the success of the organization. So the trade union advocates the employees’ job security and protests against layoffs.

Legislative Advocacy

Trade unions are involved in lobbying and advocacy that are beneficial for labor. it impacts labor laws, policies, and various regulations that can influence the worker’s rights and interests. Trade unions fight for changes or improvements in labor laws to provide workers with better working conditions, job security, and the like to protect all the worker’s rights.

Social and Economic Justice:

Organizations or companies should provide fair wages and remunerations which fulfill the employee’s or workers’ overall standard of living. For personal profit, the companies may not provide fair wages or equitable working conditions. Trade unions strive to provide workers fair wages, incentives, remunerations, and compensation that improve their overall standard of living.

Political involvement

Trade union supports political parties by participating in their activities in order to formulate objectives that are aligned with the benefits of labor. trade unions take guarantee through their political participation

In regard to favorable or labor-friendly policies.

International Unity

Trade unions always strive to expand their scope beyond national boundaries. They participate in global labor movements to support labor in regard to various global labor issues. Some global labor issues can easily solve the involvement in international labor movements.

Welfare and Support

Trade unions strive to provide the laborers with essential financial assistance, compensation, health insurance, and the like other services that support the worker’s life professions as well as personal. If works life secured with standard policies, they can contribute for organizational productivity.

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