Qualitative research
Qualitative research

Qualitative research

Qualitative research

If the population is large size and it is very difficult to sample and quantify. In such a situation, a researcher tries to implement an depth study to know how to determine the answers to all the questions. Many complications are there in the large sample size. Quality to research assists researchers in understanding the complexity of depth situations or data and the richness of the topic or research problem.


            Many companies conduct qualitative research to determine new product designs and set the right price for launched products or existing products. Qualitative research helps researchers determine the appropriate design and right price for a specific product to generate more revenue.

Key factors considered in qualitative research                                     

Inability (child, Less literate people)

2. Many times, the child used to follow the mother in the kitchen. Some products such as gam, edible oil, and masala are used by women in front of children. The child will try to do as the mother does. The packaging design Of the products has much more impact in such a situation. Such problems cannot be determined by the quantity of research. Quality research helped researchers to determine the appropriate product design to solve such hidden problems. They cannot ask the child what they like, or what they’re used to.

In such conditions as the results mothers or women try to change the product or try to better alternatives in such product packaging. Through qualitative research, companies can determine the appropriate product design packaging that can satisfy the women indirectly the child.

2. Another example is the illiterate people. If the respiratory illiterate it is very difficult to get the quantified information. Qualitative research helps researchers to get recorded information from the electric people regarding the various research problems or purposes.

Less educated farmers can attracted to buy the fertilizers or any input material required to produce the yield of fruits. Instead of quantity produced as yield, if the size of the yield of the fruits is considered as the factor of attracting farmers, it will be effective.

Subconscious feeling(second life)

 In this factor or the rationale of qualitative research, the organization or the company may provide a virtual environment for the customer to buy the product that they don’t want to reveal. Some customers don’t want to reveal their desire to buy specific products or services. In such cases, the company may provide them with virtual environments and virtual money and hide their identity so that they can freely purchase the product or the services. Sometimes company may provide an online platform where the identity of the customers is kept hidden and the customers are asked to reveal their desires that they don’t want to reveal in front of the public.

            In this way, the company can identify the desire or need of the customers which is in their subconscious mind. Without revealing their hidden desire the company can offer them the required product or services that can satisfy them.

Holistic dimension (coke)

In holistic dimensions, some of the products or services are positioned in the mind of the customer in such a way that they are not ready to accept another product or service. It is very difficult to get responses from such customers regarding similar types of alternative products or services. The quantity results cannot provide them with a solution but the qualitative uses can allow them to provide required information. Qualitative research enables researchers to collect responses or generate responses from such types of customers.

            The fruit Coconut has been used in the god’s pooja in Hindu religion. Specifically in a country like India the coconut used in pooja of the Hindi religion stokes the location is about the computer

Complex phenomena(relationship)
  1. Sometimes people don’t want to make decisions or purchase the product or services however the situations make them push them towards buying that product or service. In such situations, the undesired decision of the customers may impact positively on someone.
  2. Another example of this complex phenomenon is sacrifice in love or a better relationship with friends. Sometimes people don’t want to buy the product or service but for the happiness of lovable the product or service. In such a situation the quality of such plays a vital role in identifying the needs of the customers and offering them accordingly.
Unwillingness/sensitive  (contraceptives, sanitary pad):

The quantity of data cannot be revealed by the respondents through the quantitative results in terms of these subjects such as quantify or sanctity pads. If we ask questions regarding products, it is very difficult to get the exact numbers of the products consumed the way they have been consumed. Quality business helps to get the information but without specific quantity. Quality methods of research help researchers to get the recording information from such respondents regarding sensitive product information.

Use of qualitative research

To determine the strengths and weaknesses of the product or brand

Quality research helps researchers to determine the strength factors of the products of the services and weaknesses factors of weaknesses in the products of the services. By knowing the strength factors company can enhance and provide the required resources to increase or maintain the strength. Weaknesses, the company reduces the weaknesses or eliminates the weaknesses regarding the products the services.

Generation of new products or services.

A Walkman is an electronic device made by a small incident that happened in front of a producer. One person was listening to the music/songs at breach carrying a Big music device crystal. The producer got an idea and created a device that is very portable and easy to carry anywhere. He found a portable electronic device that is Walkman. It wasn’t inspired or determined based on the quantitative result but from the way of qualitative research.

Understanding the purchase decision dynamics       

Qualitative research allows researchers to understand the way customers are purchasing through their fluctuation in purchasing decisions or purchase decision dynamics. For example, in malls, customers have different perceptions of buying a variety of products. The factors that make them buy specific products Can easily be determined by the quality of research methods.

Exploring the market segments such as segmenting the market by demographic factors

Quality of research using the demographic factors helps researchers to determine the appropriate segments through their quality tube methods. Quality research addresses the right segments through an effective marketing strategy that can be implemented then that of through quantitative research

Understanding the perception of company, brand, category, and products

Quality vehicles are towards the brand company category products. Does the brand have more effect on the mind of the customer stop. Does the company influence more from the perspective of the perception of the customers? Does the category of the products and the type of product create an image in the mind of the customer? What kind of image do the customers create when they talk about brand, category, company, and type of products?

Quality research helps to understand the right of the perceptions of the customers regarding or towards a company, brand, category, and type of products.

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