Focus group discussion
Focus group discussion

Focus group discussion

Focus group discussion

Hocus group discussion is a forum created to get the insights of a few respondents with the help of a trend moderator. Focused group discussion creates a forum where The respondents present their ideas opinions or perspectives freely. It can generate the interest in the respondents to present their opinions their views their perspectives towards specific problems of the research.

The motive behind the focus group discussion is to stimulate the focused group respondents to reflect and portray their opinions perspectives and perceptions about a specific topic. Respondents in the focused group can present their opinions in their own language and logic so that it is very easy to understand their reactions perspectives, and perceptions toward specific products or services. A focused group enables respondents to sufficiently present their views that they would have not presented otherwise.


  • Focus group consist of eight to twelve respondents to discuss on specific topic and creates their insights or reflect and portray their perspectives and perception.
  • The group composition of the focus group is homogeneous and easy to study their common characteristics in the features. They can be homogeneous in specific characteristics and different in specific characteristics so that the researchers can study them effectively and properly.
  • The physical environment provided to this focused group should be enough to make them more relaxed and feel free to present their opinions & and perspectives. It is essential to provide them with the required physical factors for them to discuss or present their ideas and their perspectives.
  • Whichever the discussion going on in the focus good discussion should be recorded in the electronic device for example CD, video recording, and or audio recording.
  • Open moderators in focus group discussion play an important role in getting required responses and creating a healthy environment in the discussion first first of next moderated should have better interpersonal skills communication skills and observation skills to conduct the group discussion of focused group appropriately properly and effectively. If the moderator utilizes his observation skills and interpersonal and communication skills effectively then the expected and required responses can be created.

Procedure for planning and conducting focused group discussion

Define the problem or define the objective to achieve

In this stage, the researchers recognize and define the purpose of conducting a focused group the purpose or objective of the focused group discussion determines the various ideas towards solving the problem or achieving the objective of focused group discussion.

Postulate the objectives of Qualitative research

This stage involves specifying the objectives so that future courses of action can be determined and implemented properly.

Describe the questions on which the focus group will discuss

focus group can easily understand the questions and present their opinions, ideas toward solving research problems or achieve objective. Recommending the right question on which the focus group will be discussing and presenting their ideas and opinions plays an important role. The right kind of questions can provide the right direction for generating ideas and solutions. The stage in Hall in describing the various questions or the topics on which the focus group will discuss and generate or create the various ideas or solutions for the research problem.

Provide the screening questions

Screening questions put the attention of all the focused group members toward describing presenting their ideas and solutions to

Develop the moderator’s outline

The moderated outline can direct or provide guidelines to monitor the focus of good discussion in order to maintain excellence in the execution of the activity.

Conduct the focus group interviews

Focus group discussion involves conducting interviews and also which presents various ideas for solving the research problem

Record all the discussions on electronic device

It is essential to record audio or video of focus group discussions so that they can be evaluated later on let talk. The video recording or audio recording of the focus group discussion allows researchers to analyse and evaluate the various opinions and ideas. It helps to determine the appropriate solutions and ideas for the research to stop.

Analyse the recorded audio or video for the interpretation

This stage involves analysing the audio and recorded video to interpret it into meaningful decision-making or information. It helps to provide the solution to the research problem and helps to achieve the objective.

Determine the findings and conclusion and provide the inputs for further research

This is the last stage of the focused group discussion procedure in which the solution and the findings of the research described could stop. The stage describes the conclusion of the research.

Key qualifications of focus moderator


A moderator must create an environment in which every focused group member is involved and presents their ideas or opinions regarding the purpose.


The motivation of the focused group members is essential to put their interest in the topic and answer the question to solve the research problem. Encouragement of Augusta Group Discussion members includes their appreciation of the present specific ideas regarding the research purpose. If they are presented with ideas that are not appreciated, their interest may be about to over which leads you a shortage the discussion.

Encouragement plays a key role in enhancing the creativity of the group discussion members and enabling them to create or generate their opinions and ideas toward solving the research problem or achieving the purpose of the research.


Researchers need to make focus to group discussion flexible enough to make or Improvise and alter as if and as when it is required. Many times it happens that there may be a situation where the group discussion members are required to be connected with the purpose of the research. In such situations, researchers need to bring their attention to the purpose of the research and create the required answers or ideas.


Moderators should maintain his or her sensitivity and emotional connectivity with focused Group discussion so that proportionalism and seriousness are maintained.

Incomplete understanding

The moderator always motivates the focused group discussion members and encourages them to create unpleasant ideas again and again to solve the problem and to provide alternatives. This stage plays an important role in keeping the focus of group discussion consistent and running towards ending the required answers to the research problem.

Kindness and firmness

For a necessary introduction or effective introduction between the focused group and moderator and between the focus group, the moderator should implement kindness and Firmness.

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