Solution  NET Management 2018
Solution NET Management 2018

Solution NET Management 2018

Q.1 Which of the following are the components of international logistics?
  1. Fixed facilities location
  2. Inventory management
  3. Order processing


  1. i and ii
  2. i and iii
  3. ii and iii
  4. i, ii, and iii
Answer: Option D


            International logistics is the process of management in the world in planning and implementation of all the activities Regarding the moment of good spoke please origin to the place of consumption.

Next facilities location is a process of determining a suitable location for warehousing distribution center facilities location which makes the provision of moving the physical goods from the place of origin to the place of consumption.

Inventory management and order processing belong to logistics management or international logistics. So does option D which indicates the inventory logistics belongs to physical facilities location, inventory management, and order processing.

Q.2 Various bodies in the organizational structure of WTO are given below. On the basis of decision-making authority, arrange them from top to bottom and indicate the correct code.
  1. General council
  2. Ministerial conference
  3. Specialized committees
  4. Council for trade and goods

A.  (ii)  (i)         (iv)       (iii)

B.  (i)   (ii)        (iii)       (iv)

C.  (i)   (ii)        (iv)       (iii)

D. (iv)  (i)         (ii)        (iii)

Answer: A  (ii)    (i)        (iv)        (iii)


A ministerial conference is the body in the World Trade Organizational chart at the top decision-making level. The meetings for top-level decisions are conducted every two years. The General Council is the body after the ministerial conference which usually meets many times a year in the Geneva headquarters.

Q.3 The following statements are related to technology transfer between countries. Choose the correct code for the statements being correct or incorrect.

Statement I: The import of techniques and machinery is a mode of technology transfer

Statement II: Technology transferred through the government for the Commonwealth Fair is considered a free market transfer and is not subject to patent laws.


A         Statement I  is correct, but II is incorrect

B          Statement II is correct, but I is incorrect

C          Both the statements I and II are correct

D         Both the statements I and II are incorrect

Answer: C   Both the statements I and II are correct


            The free market transfer includes the removal of various trade barriers such as restrictions by the patents and, the selling of all goods and services across national boundaries. It includes the free flow of innovation or the restrictions or barriers removed in order to take benefit of innovation across the globe. Any government or intergovernmental agreement considers the social welfare and expansion of creativity and innovation for social welfare. The mode of technology transfer consists of franchising, licensing, strategic alliance, joint venture, R & D Collaboration, and import of techniques and machinery.

Q. 4 Which one of the following cases is the case of conglomerate merger

A         Brooke Bond and Lipton with Hindustan Lever

B          Renusagar Power Supply and Hindalco

C          Vodafone India and Idea Cellular Ltd.

D         Godrej Soaps with loss-making Godrej Innovative Chemicals

Answer:            A  BBLHLL (Brooke Bond and Lipton with Hindustan Lever


            A conglomerate merger is a type of merger in which two companies are involved in doing completely different business. Such types of mergers are utilized to get many applications of businesses and take advantage of the strengths of each company with each other. Innovation and creativity of both companies can be utilized for both companies. It can also take the benefit of brand loyalty with the customers.

Conglomerate mergers work not only in different areas of business but also in different territories. Two companies when coming through a collaborative merger and working jointly then many benefits can be possible for both industries. The benefits include the expulsion of the business in new territory where one of these two merger have established market expansion of business through innovation and creativity that can also be made possible by this merger.

Brooke Bond and Lipton with Hindustan Lever merger Is the merger of two companies that are different in their business activities and territories. thus option A Is the correct option or answer to the asked question.

Q. 5 The following two statements relate to consumer behavior. Choose the correct code for the statements being correct or incorrect

People who purchase mutual funds are more likely to believe that they cannot predict the market and probably have an internal locus of control.

People who purchase stocks believe that they can predict the market and have an external locus of control.

Answer code:

A         Statement I is correct, but II is incorrect.

B          Statement II is correct, but I is incorrect

C          Both the statements  I and II are correct

D         Book the statements I and II are incorrect.

Answer: C


            People who invest in mutual funds usually don’t believe that they can predict the market or they can study the market to take the right this is investment in which company. Such people have an internal locus of control which indicates their belief is not in their actions or their decision making due to which they prefer to invest through mutual funds.

In the case of the people who prefer to Invest in the stock market by their own study as they believe in their distance making and the actual for the study they do. They have external locks of control that indicate their decision-making is right by their own prediction.

Statement I indicates the internal locus of control which belongs to the people who believe that they cannot predict or study the market or make the right decision.

Statement II indicates the external locus of control which belongs to the people who believe that they can predict the market by their own efforts this is making our study invest.

Thus the answer to the above-asked question is see both statements, I and II are correct.

Q. 6 Which one of  the following types of retailers is “D Mart”?

A         Discount store

B          Super Market

C          Convenience Store

D         Catalogue store

Answer: B Super Market


            Demote is a store where a variety of goods or products are available in use quantity. It provides the number of products in a required quantity arranged in a manner that the customer can easily take on their own.

Catalog store or the store where the products are provided or shown in the catalog in print form. The information of the products can be made available in the print form through which the customers can select or have hassle-free shopping experience.

Discount stores, convenience stores, and catalog stores are the stores that provide a limited variety of products and in a different manner. The supermarket is a store where a variety of products can be made available in a very systematic and classified manner so that the customer can easily buy their products on.

Hence the answer to the asked question is option B supermarket.

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