Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal implemented by the organization always aims to maintain the potential human resources that should be capable of achieving the organizational goal. Organizations apply performance appraisal with different approaches or methods, each method analyzes the employee’s performance from different perspectives due to which employee appraisal is done properly.

Performance appraisal ensures the performance of employees as per pre-decided standards. The minimum expectation of employees’ performance ensures the success of the organization as well as the employees.

From the perspective of employees, an employee’s career growth depends upon their performance. Performance appraisal determines whether employees are promoted to higher positions with increased salaries.

            From the perspective of organizational success, the performance appraisal ensures the excellence and capability of employees. Employee performance is an important factor that contributes to the organization’s success. Excellently implementation of employees’ efforts is ensured by the means of performance appraisal

Following are some methods or approaches of performance appraisal

360-degree appraisal method

360-degree appraisal appraisal method involves in taking feedback from the supervisor, colleague, client, etc. instead of rating. It is an effective and popular method used to determine the employee’s performance along with their strengths and weaknesses. It is the best method to determine the strengths and weaknesses of employees.

The questionnaire is prepared and answers or feedback is taken from co-workers or colleagues, clients, supervisors, and group members. This feedback taken from different persons may be different and that indicates a .360 approach to appraisal. Implementation of this method is not necessarily the same in all the organizations. However the approach of implementation is different in different organizations, and it gives expected results. It not only collect and prepare report but also suggest the employees to improve the performance

  1. Performance appraisal of Supervisor in a manufacturing organization. Performance appraisal done in a manufacturing organization to appraise the performance of the supervisor and quality inspector using the 360-degree pressure method will be more effective. In this method, the questionary used questionnaire is used to Take feedback regarding the the performance of the supervisor and quality inspector from the perspectives of their colleague coworker superior and group members. Sometimes Feedback is taken from the clients if it is related.
  • Performance appraisal implemented in educational organizations where the professor teaches the student. 360-degree performance appraisal method can be implemented in the educational institute where the feedback is taken from the student’s colleagues, HOD, and all the top of the organization. 360-degree performance appraisals allow organizations to consider the perspectives of different employees regarding the performance of specific employees.

MBO (Management by Objectives) Appraisal Method

Management by objective appraisal method involves matching the employee’s objectives or the target assigned with the overarching goals or objectives. If there are overarching objectives designed by the organization then it is necessary to make the changes or determine whether the employees are capable of achieving those objectives. This can be done by analyzing the capability potential of the employee whether they can achieve it, how much visibility to achieve can it possibly improve, and so on.

Management by objective appraisal method helps organizations to measure the performance of the employees according to how much coal they can achieve or how much gold they have achieved. If the employees attempt the goal as decided goals or objectives then the employees get rewarded by promoting the higher position or reward the salary and incentives. If employees do not achieve the expected objectives then the employees may be transferred to the other positions or praised and they may undergo another training and development program.

In this matter, the manager, subordinate, and the team leaders discuss the reviews regarding how much employees are capable of achieving the goal.

The MBO performance appraisal method works best on SMART

1 specific

Initially organization sets the goal regarding what objectives the employees can achieve and then based on this achievement the appraisal or performance can be measured

2. measurable

Whichever the objectives or the goal the organization decides to achieve by the employees, should be measurable or easy to major so that the company can compare the actual versus standard performance. For example, the sales can be measured such as sales of one coding first quarter.

3. Attainable

Objective however is difficult but it should not be impossible. Any objective should be designed considering the feasibility and capability of the employees and current resources of the organization.

4. Result oriented

Every organization strives to achieve its mission or vision. Which objectives the company is going to set must belong to or be in parallel with the mission or vision of the organization.5. Time-limited

The objective should be achieved within a specific. The time so that the cost can be reduced and productivity can be increased.

Self Appraisal

Self self-appraisal performance appraisal method consists of a questionnaire or a form in which all the details regarding the performance of the employees are asked. The employee himself presents the information regarding the performance of him or her. This appraisal method can explore the strengths and weaknesses of the employee.

Peer Reviews

In the Peer review method of performance appraisal, the feedback or reviews are taken from the other employees. Co-workers or employees who work closely with the employee are considered to take feedback regarding the performance of another employee. This method indicates how much contribution the employee the team and how much contribution their behavior to achieve or take their efforts

Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale

In Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale method of performance appraisal, the organization sets the standard of behavior by using past examples. These standards are compared to the current performance to know whether the employees are performing as per the expected standard or not. The previous examples given a specific score or rating and based on that score or rating the current performance of the employees is compared.

Negotiated Appraisal

Negotiator appraisal consists of a mediator which is used to know whether the employees performing as per the expected standard or not. Usually, this method is utilized where the manager and the subordinates do not understand the relationship. Order it may be there is complex between the manager and the supporter its. In such situations, manager may cover the mediator about the employee’s performance and behavior. Managers may avoid the mediator about the conflicts and the reason for the conflict desktop

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