360 degree appraisal
360 degree appraisal

360 degree appraisal

360-degree appraisal

Performance appraisal by the 360-degree method describes the evaluation of performance from many perspectives so that every aspect of performance is studied properly. In this appraisal method, the feedback is taken from the supervisor or superior, colleague, coworker, and members of the group so that all aspect of the performance of that employee is collected and studied properly. There is a difference between the feedback and ratings taken from the employees. Feedback may be descriptive whereas rating is fixed.

Process of 360-degree appraisal

Prepare questionnaire for the survey:

Here the preparation of a questionnaire don which is useful to get the right information from the right person to measure the performance of the employee along with the strengths and weaknesses. Organizational performance depends upon the employee’s performance which can be possible when we know the organization knows the strengths and weaknesses of the employees. Employees’ trends and weaknesses cannot be determined by a single employee’s perspective. So it is the decision to prepare the questionnaire to be asked to the different employees.

For instance, to measure the performance of managers prepare a questionnaire for their colleagues, a questionnaire for the superiors, a questionnaire for clients or customers, and a questionnaire for or to be asked to subordinates. So questionnaire should be different for different employees the question is going to be asked how are the information going to be collected.

Collect the responses from all types of respondents

The stage belongs to gathering all the information generated by asking questions to the different types of employees regarding the performance of the employee. The same formation should be gathered in a form that can be used anytime and expected purples can be achieved using this information. Gathering the information may be further used to prepare the crops and analyze the information to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the employee along with the strengths and weaknesses of the department or group.

There may be different methods used to collect or gather the information by asking the question. Questions may be asked by conducting the interview or they may be collected from the paperwork. It can also be possible to collect the information from tools such as Google form, Software, or any application. By using the technology it is very easy to analyze the information and can be shared easily with the employees through graphs or presentations.

Ensures the respondents consist of superiors, subordinates, colleagues, and customers

It is essential to ensure that the information or the responses collected regarding the performance of the employee should be from all types of the employees with required number of responses. Respondents should consist of several super years subordinates colleagues and customers so that different perspectives can be gathered regarding the performance of the employee and address the strengths and weaknesses of the employee.

Share the collected responses in the form of dashboard or graphs, presentations

Gathered information regarding the performance, strengths, and weaknesses of the employee interpreted analyzed, and presented through a dashboard, grabbed, and presented to share it to the employee. The information presented to the employees is collective form and interpreted so it is tough to find out from whom the responses are presented Employees may be aware of their strengths and weaknesses and the performance of the organization their colleagues, superior subordinates customers think or judged or evaluated.

Has every method of the tools has positive as well as negative sites the 360-degree appraisal methods can also have advantages as well as disadvantages. However, the company mostly takes advantage of implementing 360-degree appraisal methods. This method can also be known as a modern or advanced method of performance appraisal. Following are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the 360-degree appraisal method.

Advantages of 360 Degree Appraisal

It addresses the employee’s strengths and weakness

The 360-degree appraisal method collects opinions or feedback from the superiors, subordinates, colleagues, and clients which is why it is possible to address all the types of weaknesses and the expertise of the employees. Employees’ strengths factors and weaknesses can easily be addressed by the opinions or the feedback of all the employees. It can increase the awareness of employees’ strengths and weaknesses that can improve their performance.

Broader aspects of self-awareness

By Addressing the strengths and Weaknesses and taking feedback from colleagues superiors and subordinates it is possible to increase the self-awareness of the employee. The 360-degree appraisal method collects opinions or feedback from all types of employees surrounding the employees whose apprehension is going on. So from different perspectives, and perceptions it is possible to have a broader aspect of self-awareness regarding the performance of the employee.

Determines the need for training

By knowing the employee’s expertise and capabilities it can be possible to determine whether it is essential to conduct training and development programs for the development of skilled employees. 360-degree performance appraisal helps to understand the capability or potential of the employee. By Knowing the strength and weaknesses of the employee it can easily be determined their capability or productivity.

Boost the employee’s development

After getting every information about the employee such as their capability strengths weaknesses their productivity from the perspective of all the employees surrounding him/her, it is possible to improve the employee’s performance by 360 degrees. Hence it boosts the employee’s development.

Reduces Favouritism & and discrimination:

Traditional methods consist of partiality which is made by the superheroes. Superior may give better feedback to the people who know better of related. This discrimination made by the managers is harmful to the organization’s productivity as it cannot explore the result of performance appraisal properly. 360-degree appraisal is involved in taking feedback from multiple respondents due to which it is very difficult to implement favouritism. 

Actual feedback comes due to anonymity

Due to hiding the identity of the respondents, it is possible to get the actual feedback or opinions of the other employees regarding the Performance of that employee to stop

Reduces business

Traditional methods of performance appraisals create biases due to a single perspective or point of view of the performance. 360-degree appraisal method gathers information regarding the performance of an employee from his/her superiors colleagues subordinates and clients due to which biases cannot be possible. Different perspectives can justify the employee’s performance after analysis.

Enhance the transparency

Buy never the employees about their performance through 360-degree appraisal it is possible to enhance the transparency as the anonym for hiding the respondent serenity, taking the feedbacks from all type of the employees can satisfy or justify the given performance result. It enhances the transparency about the performance of all the employees.

Disadvantages of 360 degree Appraisal method

Average rating error

While taking the feedback from the respondents, the 360-degree appraisal faces rating errors which are concerned with the avoidance of people’s actual responses due to unnecessary inquiry and explanations that need to be given by the respondent, To justify the given responses some respondents may think that they may require to justify their response that is why some respondents avoid actual feedback automatically such as instead of giving the 6/10 instead 9/10 rating.


360 degree performance appraisal method texts the feedback from different employees hence it takes more time to take the feedback from the superior commercial colleagues and clients. The time required to take the feedback from one person is much quicker than the time required to take the feedback by the 360-degree programs of the present method.

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