Work measurement
Work measurement

Work measurement

Work measurement

Work measurement is the work study involved in determining the standard time within which the activity or operation or job or element of job expected to be completed. It plays significant role in reducing the cost or production. Work measurement can also be known as time study as time study is the most popular easiest work measurement techniques implemented in organization.

Objectives of Work measurement

To Support for deciding wage rates and incentives

Work measurement provides the benchmark of performance to the organization using which the fair wages can be determined. What measurements Determine the appropriate time or standard time required to complete a specific task on the work. This standard times the work or appropriate time required to complete the work useful in determine or measuring the performance of employees. This benchmark decides how will the employees are performing and the incentives given accordingly.

Incentives and given to the workers decided based on their efficiency and productivity. Work measurement which used to evaluate the performance of an individual in organization. So in this way the fear incentives and compensation given to the worker based on their performance.

To estimate the product cost accurately

Product cost involves the physical material or spare parts along with the efforts taken by worker or operator and time required to produce the product. Work measurement involved in determining the optimum and appropriate time within which the product can be manufactured at a less cost. Suit will help to reduce the unnecessary cost spent on unnecessary activities with unnecessary time. Work measurement techniques determine the appropriate time required to complete various elements of the job considering capability of employee operator and technology.

By making the improvements through the method study and time study it can be possible to estimate the appropriate cost or we can call it as minimum cost required to produce or manufacture the product accurately.

To decide the number of machine or operations the operator can operate

As the job and elements of the jobs needs the time to complete, operators needs skills to complete the job within the standardized time. The skills and capabilities of the operators can enhance the productivity which leads to operate more than one machine at a time. Work measurement helps to determine whether the operators can operate more than one machine to complete the job or elements of the job within the standardized time and the standardized method.

By implementing the method study and work measurement techniques it can definitely execute the operations on number of machines to manufacture the product.

To determine the period required to complete the customer’s order

Work measurements popular techniques time study determines the time required to complete the job and elements of the job appropriately. By knowing the time required to execute all the operations it can be possible to determine the overall time required to produce specific quantity of the goods. In this way the organization can determine the lead time or . To complete the customs order.

To Help planning and scheduling by providing necessary information

Operations management takes the decision in Saddam Sakaba about execution of different operations for the longer and short. Time. These decisions are taken based on the information about performance of employees and department in past and current. The appropriate and accurate information can be made available through the work measurement and method study. By knowing the time required to complete various operations it can be possible to establish the schedules of various operations to execute. In this way work measurement help in planning and scheduling.

To control the balance of work and work efficiency

Manufacturing organizations required to manufacture the quantity of the goods based on the demanding the market. So according to fluctuation of the demand they need to maintain the capacity of the production and exhibition of various operations in organization. Work measurement helps to make a way about how much capacity the organization is having and how much capacity the organization can increase. In this way the organization can increase the capacity using the result of work measurement techniques and method study techniques. Work efficiency can be enhanced by implementing the work measurement.

Work measurement implemented in organization by following ways. Following are the stages of work measurement

Stages of work measurement

Identify the job or operation to study

            Number of problems or issues are faced by organization during the implementation of operations management. To solve the problems it is necessary to identify first the preparation of solving problems starts.

            First stage of implementing work measurement is identification of the exact problem or issue faced during implementing the production or operations management practices. This stage explore the problem area so that the work measurement implemented to that area only. 

Collect all the necessary information regarding the identified job to improve

            Once the problem area or need identified the next work is to gather as much the necessary information as possible to understand and study how the time management should be implemented in execution of various operations. This information act as the input for the optimum utilization of all the resources that too with excellence.

Divide the job or task into elements of job

The job which need to improve are divided into various elements of jobs in order to measure the measure the performance of each element of job. It help to implement the  work measurement easily and effectively. Various charts and techniques provides the information whether the job is completed as per standard or not. 

Measure the job by executing the time study technique

Measurement of the job or element of the job is done by time study or the like many other techniques. These techniques provide the information regarding how much minimum time and operation text to complete by manually or machine.

Time study is the popular and simplest techniques implemented to measure the required time to complete the various job or elements of the job

Rate the operator’s performance

Based on the results of work measurement about various or specific jobs it can be possible to determine the performance of the operator first off if operator complete the jobs or elements of the job within the standardized or expected time, the rate of the operators performance will be high. In this way the rating to the operators performers given based on the results of the work measurements about the job and elements of the jobs completed by that operator.

Add the time allowances to normal time

The usual time along with the various possible delays and times needed to add to determine the actual or standard time required to complete the operation or the job.

Prepare to implement the time standard

After the finalization of the standardized time required to complete a specific job or element of the job, The next step is to prepare and make ready all the operations of the tasks that will be implemented or completed according to the standardized time.

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