Six Sigma Quality
Six Sigma Quality

Six Sigma Quality

Six Sigma Quality Standard

Six Sigma is the tools and techniques or a process and the quality standards that indicate negligible defects in manufacturing or production.  6 Sigma Quality Standards are the set of tools and techniques that enable organizations to implement improved processes and methods in manufacturing to reduce their defect or wastages that too up to negligible. The following numbers define how much defect rates the 6 SIGMA allows in manufacturing and reflect the excellence in the manufacturing process. Selected Manufacturing Types to reduce the cost will be effective only when there is excellency in the execution of all the activities. The excellency in the execution of manufacturing activities made possible by six sigma methods.

If an organization offers healthcare services and follows 99% accuracy in delivering all the healthcare services in terms of diagnosing the patients. 99% accuracy is not acceptable specifically in the healthcare industry because it influences the health of people and causes death. Here 6 Sigma quality standard indicates a 99.999 accuracy rate Which is acceptable than a 99% accuracy rate.

Six Sigma Defect Rate

Fig. Defect rate under Six Sigma

Above table shows the defect rate of Six Sigma quality standard

6 Sigma indicates a defect rate of three point 5 3.4 poor 1 million. This indicates how much accuracy the organization needs to follow to achieve the 6SIGMA standard of quality management. This indicates out of 10 billion quantity produced of the products there are very very few rejections which is up to 3.4 only.

Search type of organization. The organization that follows the Six Sigma quality management practices can be considered as a world-class organization that can sustain itself for longer. I’m in the market.

5 Sigma indicates a defect rate of 233 per 1 million quantity. It indicates 233 rejections or defective products in 10 Milak thin lakh 10,00,000 unit or 1 million. Search organization also comes into the category of World Clause Organization which can be considered as most productive organization.

Four Sigma and Three Sigma indicate defect rates of 6210 and 66807 respectively which is considered the industry average and such organizations may or may not survive in the market

Two sigma and one sigma have the maximum or indicate a maximum number of defect rates which make organizations noncompetitive in the market. Usually, this quality standard cannot be acceptable by any organization either service or manufacturing.

Advantages of Six Sigma

Six Sigma reduces the operational cost of the organization

Many organization run their operations across the globe which requires huge costs to execute and deliver the product or services. The cost of factors of production varies with geographic locations due to which the operational cost increases. Six Sigma quality management practices specifically in manufacturing organizations help to reduce wastages and hence operational costs.


          Many businesses execute their operations across the globe. The cost of the product in other countries may increase due to an increase in the cost of factors of production. In such situations, six Sigma plays an important role in reducing wastage and hence it reduces the cost per unit of the product. If a company produces products with 10% rejections causes huge losses specifically in other countries where the cost of materials more. Six Sigma enables organizations to improve manufacturing and reduce wastage to zero which influences the reduction in the overall cost of product manufacturing.

Improve the efficiency of timeliness

The processes of manufacturing can be improved by reducing wastage which leads to reduce the time required to deliver completion or reduces the lead time. Write quantity and write time of the quality in production and operations management can be achieved by implementing the Six Sigma tools and techniques in the processes

Improve customer service

Several dissatisfied customers indicate the defects in providing customer service which can be reduced to satisfy them effectively. Six Sigma Tools and techniques indicate how fewer dissatisfied customers are there.


          Customers’ complaints regarding the technical features of mobile phones can be reduced by implementing Six Sigma quality standards. If the number of complaints from customers in the year is 10,00,000 stop the Six Sigma quarters standard or processes or methods have techniques that enable the organization to satisfy the customer by solving their problems up to 100%. If only two to three customers are dissatisfied out of 1 million complaints then the company is considered to have achieved 6 segma qualities standard.

Improve the company image.

The image of the company was created by meeting the customer’s expectations and satisfying them by making stable interactions with them. Six Sigma processes or techniques enable organizations to make continuous improvements which leads to producing products with more accuracy and support to meet customers’ expectations as per plan.

Employees satisfaction

Implementing excellence in manufacturing can enhance the morale of the employees. Completing the task effectively properly and conveniently is responsible for their satisfaction. Employee always strives to complete the work with accuracy and effectively to get promoted and increase their salary. Six Sigma methods make employees capable of implementing the right ways to complete the task. The employees become more capable with the help of the Six Sigma process or techniques for a quality standard. It helps to improve the overall performance of employees which increases their morale.

Contribution to economic growth

Six Sigma Methodist techniques or processes in industry or manufacturing organizations enable them to contribute significantly to economic growth. Pro 6 Sigma implementation The manufacturing organization reduces the vestiges and makes the best utilization of available resources which leads to reducing the country’s vestiges of resources and increases the productivity of industry which leads to contributing to the growth of GDP.

  1.  Many industries such as the food industry, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, and cosmetic industries use specific agricultural products as the input for the production of their products. Six Sigma methods or processes can reduce the best digits in a huge quantity of production. Reducing the wastages or faulty production leads to reduction in the consumption of agricultural produce saving the huge consumption responsible for avoiding the shortages of those produces in the market. Hence indirectly sigma methods or techniques of quality standards contribute to increasing GDP.
  2. Government organizations such as defense Organizations and Space Research organizations require 100 percent accuracy in the production or manufacturing of their products. Many electronic parts or products manufactured the vendors or other manufacturers stop. In India, the space research organization is Row, and the defense organization DRDO outsources some of its work and manufactures the required parts from other manufacturers. These organizations require 100 percent accuracy in the manufacturing of those products or parts. 6 Sigma standards or methods enable the manufacturing organization to produce the products or manufacture the products with 100 percent accuracy.

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