Mode of change
Mode of change

Mode of change


            Change management plays a vital role in organizational sustainable development. Different management thinkers contributed to describe various models and mode of change. These mode and models provide different perspectives or dimensions towards the implementation of change management practices. Following are mode of change that describes the levels of evolutions implemented over a period of time.

  • Reform
  • Revolution
  • Transformation

Reform, revolution, and transformation are the beginning of civilization. For many decades and hundreds the Reforms, Revolutions, and Transformations has implemented. Many factors are responsible for these change. Positively we can call it the continuous improvement of human society.


For Instance, the reform is an effective way of describing the change implemented in various countries. Specifically, the reforming implemented with governance systems.  It does not change the whole governance structure but to make some improvements in the law.  Reform taking place in existing laws, and policies to make it more improved. Reforms contribute to consistent improvements in political and social systems. It actually strives to provide justice and fare treatment to all.

            Change management is implemented by government as well as private organizations. Reforms describe the way the change is implemented and under the governance or beyond the governance. Actually, reforms were done under the governance system whereas the revolution was done beyond the governance system.  

  • Minimum wage act was enacted for the purpose of ensuring the labor’s fair remuneration. Fare remuneration and compensation are the rights of workers which had not been provided by many companies even in government organizations also. To provide justice with fair wages that fulfill the need of workers’ living standards, the Minimum wage act was enacted and implemented.
  • Reform in India After the independence of any country there have been numerous changes or amendments implemented in their laws. These amendments or changes or new act establishments are examples of reforms. It did not change the entire political structure.
  • Reform in Europe was enacted in the 18th century for the purpose of workers’ conditions and rights. Workers play a significant role in the growth of GDP driving the industry. In any industry, workers drive their lower level of management which involves execution of all the activities at ground level.
  • Right to Information Act 2005 in India after a post-independence period. This act gives the rights to get information from any government entity. Aruna Roy had taken significant efforts towards the origin of RTI. Actually, RTI supports all other rights such as economic rights, social rights, etc. Arun Roy initially formed MKSS (Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan) for justice to workers and Kisan. Actually, she was born into a family which was privileged by education. She also had taken more efforts to become capable of contributing to reforms for the poor.
  • Reform in Europe  towards changes and innovation in the existing social and political system in 18 century

Revolution :

            When reforms are not fulfilling the demands of society in regard to social welfare, it transforms into Revolution. Revolution describes the way the change takes place through significant changes in the governance structure. Act of resistance is involved in revolution specifically resistance towards the governance system. It involved making significant changes in the political, economic, and social systems. Revolution enables any economy or country or society to transform the political economic and social system. It provides an opportunity to remove the barriers and wrong traditions which have been implemented for a long period.

            Revolution done in various areas of society. For instance, information technology, education system, healthcare services, banking system, and structural improvements are the areas where revolution is taking place for many decades and hundreds.

  • Revolution took place in India during 1947 when India become free from British slavery. The existing political system was imposed on Indian society forcefully. Forcefully imposed British rules were making harassment of Indian people. Indian freedom fighters by their significant efforts, helped the country to be free from British Slavery.
  • Revolutions have taken place in India many times since 20 decades during Chandragupta Maurya to British Empire. This revolution took place to resist the current political and governance system for freedom and better governance. Acharya Chanakya (Pandit Kautilya) was one of the greatest people in Indian history who contributed to the major revolution. He taught a student with a 360-degree approach and trained in all the ways to make him a true king. The Chandragupta Maurya was a student who learned under the Acharya Chanakya. Chandragupta Maurya fights for revolution in India to make the country integrated.
  • American Revolution (1975-1983): Americans made a revolution to make them independent(now USA) country when they were under the unfair political power structure of Britain.
  • French Revolution(1975-83): the social structure of the West was not as advanced as it has to be in order to social and economic growth. Social, political, and economic growth was imperative during those periods.


Transformation is the form or mode of change which describes the drastic changes or improvements implemented in a specific area. Transformation contributes to the drastic changes or improvements towards growth and development. Transformation focuses of drastic changes irrespective of the risk and challenges. It significantly contributes for the growth and development specifically the industry or business. 

  • Digital transformation implemented in India. Digital transformation in India justifies the movement of the country towards development. Digital transformation significantly contributes to the growth of the country. Digital transformation has taken place in India in the last two decades. It has not only made evolution in the single sector but also made drastic changes or improvements in the education system, healthcare system, industry, etc.
  • Structural transformation: transformation has significantly contributed to any economy towards growth and development. The structural transformation involved improving the economic political and social system by implementing innovative ideas. And  Specifically, it deals with converting or transforming any economy from a labor-intensive to a skilled-intensive country where skills play a vital role in transforming the economy. It focuses on increasing productivity in all areas.
  • Occupational structural transformation in India: since 1983 key activities or initiatives had taken place in India. After a long period it had been successfully implemented but with facing some issues or challenges. unavailability of sufficient resources, and skilled labors. Etc. but the structural transformation was a significant factor in the economic development of the country.

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