Origin of Philosophy
Origin of Philosophy

Origin of Philosophy

Origin of Philosophy : an overview

Actually, Philosophy originated in curiosity and wonder towards the universe  However the origin of philosophy is in the Greek and Western philosophy and the Indian Sanskrit.

From the perspective of Indian origin, we can understand the philosophy as the Darshan which comes from the Sanskrit word Drasha means vision. From the perspective of Indian origin of philosophy it can be described as  The philosophers have a better vision called we can hardly test the version of drisha.

From the perspective of Western countries specifically Greece, the philosophy comes from the word Philo means low and Sofia means wisdom. According to this philosophy was the love of wisdom according to the Greek. Love is not edible said the individuals to create a capability to explore the nature of knowledge with rationality. It enhances curiosity along with the process of exploring the hidden facts

The origin of philosophy is embedded in the Curiosity and the criticism of the various aspects of knowledge. Simply the beginning starts with the questions to know the unknown things. It always strives to uncover the hidden things that are related to welfare and curiosity.

There are many subjects in our universe that human beings studying for many decades hundreds for social welfare. Philosophy describes the various perspectives of the universe through a variety of subjects such as mathematics physics chemistry biology sociology political science and many other disciplines. Philosophy which is the branch of Education deals with exploring the nature of knowledge in the different disciplines of the universe. It announces the broadness of knowledge with the publication for the welfare and satisfies or fulfils the need of curiosity and. Curiosity.

  1. Mathematics describes all the factors of the universe and it’s a relativity to human life in numbers and it is very specific and measurable. Method mathematics describes the universe in a way the human being can apply in his life very conveniently..
  2. Biology describes each and every aspect and dimension of humans and the life of animals. It addresses all the challenges and solutions of all problems which improve the lives of human beings. Philosophy explores biology in such a way that it can easily be applicable to solve any problem of human life as well as the life of the animal.
  3. Sociology describes the concepts and knowledge of society to explore the universe and its relativity to human life which makes it better.
  4. Economics is the social science that deals with analyzing each and every productive activity involved in producing the products and services to distribute them in an active manner.
  5. Political science deals with the structure and code of conduct of the governance which is implemented significantly for the social welfare.

All the above examples justify the role of philosophy in exploring the universe in various aspects of the subjects or disciplines. It helps to solve all the problems of all these disciplines and explore the hidden things that fulfill our the curiosity of human.

Following all the key features of philosophy

It acts as the gateway for the path toward all the knowledge in all the areas of the universe

            Philosophy opens the doors for search research observation investigation verification and conceptualizes all the nature of knowledge along with its justifications. It establishes its relationship with human life and announces the capability of human beings to solve problems and explore hidden things. Many times the Curiosity and wonder of the human being are responsible for employing the philosophy of exploring the nature of knowledge.

It helps all human activities for their proper judgments

            It is very difficult to determine the knowledge or code of conduct that is likely to be used or adopted for various purposes in life. Philosophy helps justify what is right and what’s wrong through ethical study. It helps all the human activities such as the way the human is to behave the way the human reacts the way the human should work the way the human makes the Interpersonal relationship etc.

Philosophy is a speculative result of critical research

Principles and rules that’s very important role in determining the code of conduct of the human being to stop in stop Principles are natural whereas rules are made by humans for specific purposes. Philosophy belongs to principles that are speculative and it also enhances the capability of research on the welfare

Philosophy can be utilized for the purpose of group discussion, debate, justifying, and presentation of various aspects of the knowledge

            In the group discussion, it is essential to present the knowledge that you receive related to the topic and satisfy the needs of all the group members. Philosophers who carry rational knowledge can justify their side and take part in the debate. The philosophy of any concept can enhance its ability to justify the side with its rationality.

Philosophy is the mystery of nature by nature from nature and to nature

            Nature is made with a bundle of mystery and hidden facts. Human beings is always curious and in need of exploring the hidden things of nature. So philosophy acts as the process of exploring the things from nature by the major and to nature. By Nature signifies the human being itself is part of nature and involved in exploring things. Stopping from nature means the curiosity is towards the facts or knowledge of the universe that is part of nature. Unto the nature in the Saints to discovering the things is towards the improvement of the nature or for the better application of the nature Bristol.

Philosophy establishes the relationship between love and wisdom to face challenges

            The low of humans towards knowing the hidden facts and curiosity enables them to execute and produce approaches. The philosophy is the approach of the process that achieves the wisdom that faces every challenge analysis to solve the problems of life. Love of Wisdom plays a significant role in making or enabling people to explore reality. It establishes the cause and difficult relationship of the various facts related to human life and of course the beauty of universe.

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