Types of Ethics
Types of Ethics

Types of Ethics

Ethics is the code of conduct or way of behavior that is standardized by various theories. It directs the people on how to behave or what is right or wrong. Ethics is necessary in all areas to maintain the integrity and welfare of human life. Following are the branches of ethics which describe the way the behavior is in different situations.

Descriptive Ethics

Normative Ethics

Meta Ethics

Applied Ethics

Descriptive Ethics

Descriptive ethics belongs the how people behave ethically or morally. It may based on their cultural norms, societal norms, or individual beliefs. Descriptive ethics is not direct on how should behave or what is right and wrong. It describes how people behave according to their cultural, societal, and individual beliefs. The following are the examples that describe descriptive ethics.

  1. Gendre determination in India is illegal whereas it is legal in the UK. The UK permits the citizen to identify their gender when a woman is pregnant. In India, it is strongly illegal to recognize gender.
  2. Euthanasia is illegal in many countries like India Japan and some states of the USA. If we apply the perspective of human life practically it is legal when humans suffer from high pain and incurable disease. In the case of the Netherlands, it is legal as it provides freedom to patients who are not capable of tolerating their suffering.
  3. Funeral in Hindu is different than in Muslim. In Hindu, the body is burned with some Hindu procedure whereas in Muslim religion believes in burying.   

Normative Ethics

Normative ethics is the branch of ethics imaging in the minds the standards of the code of conduct which belongs to what is right and what is wrong behavior. It involved in determine the answers of the questions that is what actions is acceptable and what actions are not acceptable which means what is right and what is wrong.

Descriptive ethics describe how the people behave orally morally whereas normative ethics prescribes how the people must have to behave morally. It directs the people the way the people must behave in accordance with the ethical behavior.

Various theories describes the normative ethics which belongs to the standard of right and wrong behavior. Next clue


This theory is invented by philosophies Jeremiah bennettham and John Stort Mill focuses on oreilly right actions which gives positive impact on society. It focuses on reactions that is responsible for producing overall happiness and well being of the human life.


Doctors may prescribe the medicine to save the life of the people with limited supply in order to allocate it to maximum people leads to maximizing the overall benefit to the society.


Duente logical ethics is belongs to the oral principles of produce that which implemented irrespective of the consequences. Directions provided by this ethics for the action do not focus on the impact if it is right. Directions belongs to this ethics are inherently right or wrong irrespective of the impact.


Trainer or teacher always tell the truth about the mistakes made by the trainee or student service respectively.

Many times it happens that the students are the training disappointed by finding out or pointing out the mistakes from the teachers or trainer. Irrespective of the impact on thinking of the students or training the trainer or teacher always pointing out the mistakes they are doing in order to improve.

Virtue Ethics

This theory describes the way the people develops the virtuous character traits based on moral behavior. It always focuses on the individual efforts to cultivate virtues like honesty, courage and compassion to implement the sel-being of others.


Meta-Ethics is the branch of ethics or philosophy concerned with understanding how the moral or code of conduct is implemented in behavior. The way the people behave is directed by the ethical standards or modernity ethics and descriptive things describe it but metaethics focuses on how it is wrong or right.

Moral subjectivism and moral objectivism

Moral subjectivism: it belongs to the moral statements that are not universally true and depend upon the individual’s perspective.

Example: one person based on his perspective says love marriage is right than arranged whereas another person says it is wrong.

Moral objectivism: value or belief that direct code of conduct universally. It does not depend upon an individual’s perspectives or feeling. It is accepted universally.

For example: It is a universal truth whether love marriage is better and right than an arrange marriage.

Moral relativist

Some morals or beliefs are changes with community, culture or geographical region. Cultural or indidual context is responsible for the changes in beliefs.

Example : marry with more than one girl is illegal in the countries like India whereas it is legal in the countries like Libya, Uganda and Namibia.

Moral realism

Moral realist is the ethics which concerned with universal accepted belief irrespective of individual perspective, culture etc.

Example: All the belief that is related to science are moral realist. Eating more calorie food causes obesity is the universal accepted belief.

Applied Ethics

Applied ethics agent belongs to the ethics or code of conduct which implemented practical in various situations. It is the practical application of ethical principles in various areas of human life. Applied ethics are very useful as it needs to be implemented in all the profession. Actually it directs how work is to be completed and how the problems need to be handled while completing the different types of works in the task in the different areas.

Ethics in medical field

Healthcare industry and pharmaceutical industries must follow their ethics in their practices in order to protect the human life. If these areas do not follow their ethics in their practices leads to worst effect on the human life. This ethics is belongs to ethics in science.

Before launching any medicine in the market the pharmaceutical industry must complete the standardized procedure completely.

Hospital must implement the standardized procedures to Diagnose the patients.

Ethics in Business

Any society or country have the regulatory authority that directs the business organizations to execute their business ethically. The code of conduct or the standard of ethics designed by this regulatory authority to run the business organizations without having the customers and society.

Ethics in Education

Here are the ethics plays very important role in building the future. As it belongs to all the areas like medical education, pharmaceutical education, engineering education, law education and the like very areas of Education required to follow the ethical practices in order to build the future of society through the educated professionals.

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