Defining research problem
Defining research problem

Defining research problem

Defining research problem

Research means Re and Search which explains what it means to search again and again towards a specific purpose. The research problem determines the purpose of the research. Get the temperature to necessary for any researchers to define the problem properly so that the research activity is executed accurately. If the problem definition is not done properly 4 results need to be re-executed again. It has been found that many researchers collect the wrong data to execute all mythology and at the last stage they observe that the research problem they defined was wrong. If a research problem definition is not done properly overall the activities of research get affected and responsible for wrong conduct of activities.

Following are some of the key stages used to define the research problem

Identification of the discipline or area or research

            Research conducted in various disciplines or areas such as social sciences life sciences and physical sciences. Moreover, it is essential to decide the specific areas of this broad area where the research is going to be conducted. Initially, it is very important to decide the specific area that the research subject is concerned so that further activities has to be executed towards the purpose. It enables the research to stick with our focus with concern consistently.


This is the problem of organic farming. The business perspective of organic farming is different in the farmers of Maharashtra India. Farmers are not positive in implementing organic farming practices for the production of agricultural produce. This is the research problem or purpose.

A research design is made considering the research area and the research purpose. Probably it can be solved by the research outcome. So this was the design that defined what type of data needed to be collected, and what type of methods needed to be implemented to collect the data. Primary data and secondary data need is important to collect according to the requirements of the research design.

Collection of the wrong data leads to failure of the research or difficulty in achieving the purpose of the research hence it is essential to design the research appropriately.

Conduct the literature review

Before finalizing the research problem it is essential to conduct the literature review. Literature review belongs to addressing all the research work done on the specific area our study is going to conduct the research. The literature review provides the basic information and framework to understand the study area and the problems for which the research going to be conducted.

The literature review provides a framework and history of the research regarding that specific area or the problem. A number of ideas can be generated from the literature in that specific area.


            Literature in the education sector problem provides the information and interpretation that can be the input for our research study. This information provides answers to all the specific questions of the study. The same formation can reduce the efforts of our research and guide what actual the problem of our research is and which area the research should run. What data our research should collect can be guided by means of a literature review.

Identification of the research topic that is best suitable for the decided problem.

After the study of the literature review, the researchers can have sufficient information about the problem concerned with the research study. At this stage, the user should recognize or identify the suitable research topic which defines the problem of the research and guides the research study towards.

The determination of the appropriate topic can guide the preparation of the research objectives. This is objectives direct all the research such as a collection of primary data, collection of secondary data, and adopting the suitable method to collect primary as well as secondary data. It helps to adapt different types of methods and techniques to conduct all the activities of the research.


            The problem in organized retailing guides researchers in what area research should be conducted and addresses the challenges. The suitable topic can be decided based on the research area along with the history of literature first of all. Based on various research conducted on the specific area the researchers enabled to address the specific problem and conduct the research study for that.

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