perspectives of discipline
perspectives of discipline

perspectives of discipline

Humanistic approach.

The Treatment of offenders in this approach is as human beings. When an individual or an employee is considered as a human being, it is necessary to consider the factors of an individual as a human being. So it can justify the humanity during the practices of Management. When an offender makes the mistakes or violates any rules during the performance, ask the offender and or find out the reason behind that is the practice belongs to this approach. This approaches Stripes to solve the problem paste by an individual or an employee.

Humanistic approaches belong to the natural characteristics of the factors of an individual. It focuses on the natural causes of unexpected performance from an employee. For example, if. Employees get tired by working due to which mistakes might happens from him/her. He may not perform well. Another example is when humans face illness and cannot perform as much better as he/she can perform during good health.

Advantages of a humanistic approach

Focus on the individual: Humanistic approach enables one to think about individual characteristics and unique experiences, perspectives and potential of each individual. It avoids of judging people into the predetermined category.

Encourages self-awareness: This approach helps children more to make them aware of the various things they are learning to become more improved. It enhances their understanding and maturity which help them to become more independent.

Builds positive relationships: It helps to improve relationships between adults and children and creates favorable environments for creativity. Positive environments are favourable environments created by this approach to help children to increase their creativity.

Focus is on personal growth: This approach provides individuals an opportunity to make improvements and increase their productivity and performance. It assists people to use their inner potential to increase their productivity and performance.

Holistic perspective. A holistic perspective of the humanistic approaches focuses on the individual. The individuals trade emotions, and intellectual and spiritual dimensions, which are interconnected and provides the justice.

Disadvantages of humanistic approach

Lack of structure: Humanistic approach does not implement bureaucracy completely due to which it is quite hard to implement the discipline. So lack of structures is responsible for avoiding the implementation of goal-oriented approach.

Time-consuming: The humanistic approach of discipline is time-consuming, as it requires teachers to engage with students on an individual level and provide ongoing support and feedback. This can be difficult to manage, especially in large classes or when dealing with challenging students.

Limited effectiveness with certain behaviors: The humanistic approach of discipline may not be effective in dealing with certain types of disruptive behavior, such as aggression or violence. In some cases, more structured and assertive approaches may be necessary to ensure the safety of students and staff.

Lack of consistency: The humanistic approach of discipline may result in a lack of consistency in how rules and consequences apply. Without clear guidelines and expectations, different teachers may have different approaches to discipline, which can be confusing for students and lead to a lack of respect for authority.

The human relation approach significantly contributes to increasing the employees’ performance by satisfying them and coordinating towards better performance.

Judicial approach

This approach focuses on the evidence or cause-and-effect relationship. When the offender, performance is beyond expectations in a negative manner or violates any rules during the performance this approach determines and evaluates from the perspective of objective. Judicial approach use some evidence or Cause and effect relationship. This approach Justifies the factors implemented or decisions taken by the managers towards the evaluation of performers, or punishing the employee.

The judicial approach helps management to implement scientific management. The organization is implementing bureaucracy management practices seriously. Take the benefit of implementing the judicial approach. This approach helps to implement bureaucracy management practices successfully in an organization.

Advantages of the judicial approach

Objective decision-making: The judicial approach always focuses on what is predetermined objective to achieve, instead of subjective opinions or biases. This helps to achieve the objective easily.

Increase the accuracy: As the judicial approach focused on objective decision-making, it helps to achieve the objective accurately. It gathers evidence-based information to take decisions. That is why it enhances accuracy.

Accountability and transparency: The judicial approach enhances the capability of transparency in the practices as it focuses on scientific investigation and evidence-based discipline-making. Yes.

Disadvantages of the judicial approach

Lack of flexibility: The judicial approach is quite hard to make upgradation, and improvements at any situation. It is quite hard to make improvements in the practices when a specific method is going to be implemented. The judicial approach relies on the standardized methods of speed-determined methods of implementation, which it provides flexibility in the practices.

Lack of consideration of subjective experiences: Judicial approach can. Delete the objective criteria instead of the subjective experiences or perspectives of the individuals. Hence, it is quite difficult to consider the perspectives of individuals and subject to experiences to judge the situation and make the decision making.

Punitive approach

This approach focuses on punishing an individual or an employee when he or she violates any rules and regulations or causes losses to the organization. It is essential to realize the employees when they violates any rules or creates an offense, they get punishment. Punishment creates awareness among employees about the effect of violation of rules and regulations, or any opens created in an organization. Hence, most of the organizations which have been implementing bureaucracy management practices implement punitive approaches in order to maintain discipline.

Advantages of a punitive approach

Protection of society or organization: Punitive approach focuses on removing unexpected and wrong situations, or actions implemented by any individuals. And this removal done by punishing the offender in case of ethical practices implemented in an organization or society.

Justice for victims. It provides punishments to the offenders. To reach the victims, face the problem. It provided a sense of justice. To the victims of crying.

Disadvantages of a punitive approach

Injustice can be delivered: In the case of punitive approach, the offender punished when it founds guilty according to evidence based information. Sometimes the evidence based information can not be sufficient to judge an individual whether is offender.

Human resource approach

Human resource approach considers the employees as a resource of for an organization. Considering employees as a resource, it is very difficult to justify employees considering humanity or considering them as a human being. This approach evaluates the employee considering the. Standard performance. If employee performance compared with the standard performance, some deviation may be found by an organization. If the deviations are more than the expectations or normal level, the organization may take corrective actions that may be. For that may not be in favor of employee. For example, if organization expecting 1000 units produce the power shipped by employee, an if employee failed to get that much output, the organization may consider that employee is not giving expected performance. And for that organization may take corrective actions against that employee.

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