Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection


            Recruitment is the process of attracting and obtaining as many applications as possible from eligible capable and potential candidates. Recruitment allows an organization to invite capable potential and eligible candidates for the application of the required position. Application from the eligible candidates may be obtained from internal as well as external sources of recruitment.

Internal sources of recruitment

Former employees

Previous Applicants

Employee referrals

External sources of recruitment

Present employees

External sources of recruitment

Professional or trade association


Placement Consultant

Campus interviews

Internal sources of recruitment

Present employees

Present employees is the better preference of the organization for the recruitment of required position. This is the fastest and easiest way of recruiting for the required positions in the organization. Companies prefer to promote the existing capable and eligible employees for the required positions of the organizations. The company may either invite applications from the eligible employees of the organization for the recorded positions or promote them directly to the required positions based on the performance and record of that employee.


Manufacturer organizations may be in need of production managers who can promote experienced capable employees to higher positions. The employee who has much more sufficient experience, qualification, skill set, and eligibility for the position of production manager can be promoted to this position/

The general manager or managing director or the top-level positions of organizations require much more experience and capabilities. The company prefers to promote the highly experienced and skilled existing employees of the company for this position. It helps an organization to fulfill the required position without spending much more time and cost. Organizations can easily believe the existing employees as they have the records and such employees are very familiar with the culture of the organization.

Former Employees

Farmer employees consist of retired employees for old employees of the company who were working for specific. Time. Such good performers who were working for the company can be invited again for the specific position of the company. Companies prefer internal sources specifically the former employees in order to avoid the risk and ensure the excellent performance of the employee. Because the company has a record of that employee and belief or trust in the performance and honesty of that employee.


Retired Managing Directors or general managers of the organization have much more experience and knowledge of working with this organization/ Search employees are very familiar with the culture of the organization and can able to handle any situation of the business.

Previous Applicants

Previous applicants sometimes may have qualified for the preliminary interview and one or more strategy shop father selection process. Here Her company already has the information of such applicants regarding their eligibility capability and qualifications. They can easily evaluate such candidates for the required position of the organization.

Previous applicants consist of the candidates who were eligible for the positions of the organization but due to lease vacancies or other reasons, they couldn’t join. Previous applicants can undergo the recruitment and selection process. So the company can easily evaluate such employees to determine whether they are eligible and capable for the positions of the organization.

Employee referral

Employee peripherals include the candidates employees are more familiar with. Employee references can easily be determined or evaluated due to their familiarity and record. Companies can take benefit from the loyalty of such employee referrals and easily believe.

External sources of recruitment

Professional or trade association

Trade associations consist of many registered employees who can access the job seekers list selected by these associations. Trade associations enable the member or employer to get the required skill explanation neighbor through their platform.

Credit Association provides placement services to registered members who are employers and are in need of recruiting candidates. Create associations for experienced in providing highly educated experience or skilled personnel.


The company may publish the advertisement of required positions in various mediums such as print Internet magazines and many other print mediums. Readers can easily be aware of the required positions and those capable eligible employees or candidates can apply for the recorded position of the organizations. This can be the easiest way to attract and obtain applications for required positions in the organization.

Radio and television

Radio, television, and the Internet are the fastest sources of recruitment from where the applications from their digital candidates can be easily obtained. Social media can be an effective way of publishing advertisements regarding the recruitment for specific positions of the organization.

Selection process

Every organization follows a specific and standardized way of selection process. A submission process is implemented to choose the right kind of candidates suitable for the required positions of the organization. Some companies may choose the employees by a single interview and some companies conduct different stages of the selection process to select suitable candidates for the required positions.

Who is are the stages involving the selection process of the organization

Preliminary interview

Preliminary interim involves selecting or identifying the capable, eligible, and qualified candidates for the required positions of the organization. This interview remove the candidates who were not deserving of the required positions. This type of interview helps in rejecting the candidates who are not suitable.

Selection tests

Many organizations conduct the written test or the stages of various interviews to choose the right kind of candidates. Show company conducts the technical test or some company conducts the aptitude test to judge the intelligence or capability of the candidates. Let’s play


TCS consultancy services conduct the Written test in campus interviews to sell it to the students on the various responsibilities of the organization. For software testing engineer database administrators and software analysts, the written test is conducted just to change

Orientation and placement

Every organization conducts an induction program or orientation program for newly appointed employees. Orientation and placement programs can also be known as induction programs. This program is conducted to make employees aware of the rules and regulations of the organization, remuneration, incentive system, etc. Employee are informed about their growth promotion in the organization.

Company productive the information regarding the responsibility that will pass right today on the weather responsibilities should be completed in the working.

Training and development

Training the development is concerned with enhancing the skills of the employee through real practice theory lectures and practicals. Trending and development program improves the required skill set of employees to appoint them to new responsibilities. Following are the situations in which the company arranges the training and development program for the employees.

Training is given to the newly appointed employees to make them capable of performing the responsibilities on which they will be appointed.

Performance and Evaluation

This stage of staffing process measures the performance of employees by different approaches such as 360 degree approach, MBA Approach. Performance and evaluation allows organization to determine the performance level of employees. It determines whether the empmloyees deserves for promotions, salary increment etc.  

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