Research integrity
Research integrity

Research integrity

Research integrity

Research integrity covers the broader aspects of all the ethical conduction of the research work. Ethics in research plays an important role in making research more effective correct and genuine. Research Honesty plays an important role in maintaining the research integrity in research study. Research integrity maintains ethical standards and professionalism in research work.

Research integrity Is the set of principles and practices along with ethical standards to conduct the research effectively properly and accurately. Following are the broader set of principles of research integrity which plays an important role in making research more effective. Research integrity contributes maintain intellectual honesty and intellectual honesty contributes to maintain research integrity.

Ethical consideration

Ethics directs the research work towards making research more accurate and authentic. It provides the Framework for the efforts taken in this search. The way the research work is going to be limited is directed by ethical standards. It protects social welfare and human life specifically in the Research of healthcare and pharmaceuticals.


Accurate data reporting and transparency in methods used to collect and interpret the data play an important role in making research more ethical. Honesty in research indicates the ethical property of the research honesty is the ethical factor of the research which enhances the accuracy and effectiveness of research.


Researchers are responsible for implementing all the ethical standards in the research. Hence researchers must ensure all the collaborators of the research work are abandoned by the ethical standards. It is very essential to implement ethics in every effort taken in the research to maintain the accuracy and effectiveness of the research.

Researchers must appoint supervisors to monitor the junior researchers who work in order to maintain ethics in their work. Proper supervision and monitoring play a vital role in maintaining the research integrity.

Social responsibility              

Researchers must focus on the application of the research work or the social welfare. While designing the research problem or research topic it is very essential to focus on the research outcome. Without the outcome of the research work, it is wasteful.

It is the social responsibility of every researcher to conduct the study to provide the research work that contributes to solving the problems. It has also been expected from the research studies it can contribute to developmental innovations.

Ethical treatment of research subjects

Research works specifically in the science and concern with human life are essential to conduct with ethics. Ethical standards must be followed by all the research that belongs to science. Lack of ethical standards implementation in the research in science leads to harm the human life or animal life.

Respect for intellectual property

Every researcher must give credit to the sources from which they have taken to conduct their study. The literature review guides the researchers to make innovations and extensions in the existing research study. To maintain the development and scope of the research it is very essential to acknowledge the sources researchers take to conduct the research study. Avoiding or giving credit to the source is taken from other researcher’s work limits the scope of the research.

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