Types of Coordination
Types of Coordination

Types of Coordination

Types of coordination

  1. Internal Coordination
  2. Vertical Coordination
  3. Horizontal Coordination
  4. External coordination

Internal Coordination

Internal coordination is the coordination implemented within the organization among various levels of management and functional departments. Internal coordination establishes and ensures the relationship of the employee’s efforts toward achieving the common goal of the organization. Internal coordination can broadly be classified into vertical and horizontal coordination.

Vertical coordination

Vertical coordination in which top-level to lower-level coordination is implemented. Vertical Coordination Describes the link between the superiors and Sabotages Subordinates or in the implementation of coordination. Coordination made by the superior towards the concentration of all the efforts taken by subordinates toward a common goal.

To make vertical coordination successful it is essential to implement the principles of vertical coordination. These four principles help organizations to implement vertical coordination effectively. These four principles of vertical coordination are as follows.

  1. Span of control
  2. Chain of command
  3. Delegation
  4. Centralization and decentralization
Span of Control

The span of control can also be identified as the span of Management as it involves in implementation of various activities of the management along with supervision. The span of control indicates the number of subordinates or groups or departments the manager can lead or control. It limits the leadership or management practices the manager can implement both the completion of a specific task or object. The span of control acts as the span of management as the manager is involved in guiding motivating supervising and implementing various activities to complete the task of the people.

Chain of command

Jane-up command belongs to the way the authorities and responsibilities are connected to the employee groups and departments with various levels of management. This chain of command can be permitted in two ways. The first is the unity up command whereas the second is the scalar principle. These two principles belong to classical theories of Management which describe the way the authorities and responsibilities are implemented among the various levels of employee groups and departments.

Unity of command

Unity of command indicates the Principle of one boss. The principle of one boss means the orders should be given by an open boss only and they employ a report to that bus only. So unity of one boss avoids confusion among the employees. If employees are getting orders from more than one boss, they may be confused and cannot complete the task as effectively as when they get orders from one boss

Scalar principle

The scalar principle belongs to the structure of the organization transferring authorities and responsibilities among the group employees and departments. Scalar principle makes possible the awareness of decisions, orders should be taken from whom and to whom they report about the completion of the work. The scalar principle establishes the relationship between all the superiors and subordinates among all the departments from the top level to the lower level. The scalar principle ensures excellence in communication among all levels of management effectively.


Delegation of authorities plays a very important role in making the balance between authorities and responsibilities transferred to the subordinates. If there is no balance between the delegated authorities and responsibility it might possible that the employees may not complete the work effectively. If authorities are more than responsibilities, employees may misuse the higher authorities than the responsibilities. If the responsibilities are more and authorities are less able to complete those responsibilities then the employees cannot complete the responsibility effectively as they do not have the right to take the decisions completely.

Centralization and decentralization

Centralization belongs to the authorities of decision-making to a single point or an individual or department whereas decentralization means the delegation of authorities among various individual groups or departments. Centralization does not allow all the individual groups or departments to make decisions except for the centralized point(individual or department).

All the activities of the business cannot be centralized and decentralized Completely. Some activities are required to be centralized to avoid misuse of authority and ensure coordination. Some activities are required to be distributed which cannot be completed individually. To have better supervision and complete the task in short. It is necessary to distribute the work among the individual groups or departments along with authorities required to complete those assigned work.


Decisions regarding purchasing the raw materials are purchasing of machinery taken by top-level management instead of the departmental health production manager. This example indicates the right to make decisions or authority is only towards top-level Executives or top-level individuals. Some organizations centralize their authority to the top level whereas some organizations decentralize the authority among each departmental head or various levels of management.

Horizontal coordination

Horizontal coordination indicates the coordination implemented between various functional departments to interlink their efforts toward achieving the common goal of the organization. Horizontal coordination implements the coordination between groups or departments that are at the same level such as the production management department and with human resource management department. Coordination aims to share the objectives which are common among these departments.

 It can be done by implementing the principles or methods which are as follows.

Aligning objectives and goods

Coordination ensures the sharing of objectives and goals with the departments of the same labor such as aligning the objectives of human resources management with financial management and operation or production department. The purpose of aligning the objectives of a department or sharing the objectives of this department is to achieve a common goal.

Creating committees or teams from different functional areas

The committees or teams are formed to work together to achieve the common purpose of the organization. The members of these teams are taken from all the functional departments such as production, human resource management, financial management, etc. These gross functional teams ensure the relationship and interdependency among all the functional areas to work together

Share information through Information technology

It is very essential to share the data and information among all the departments to complete the various operations. Many operations are the tasks of all the functional areas that require data and information from other departments. For instance, production management, and marketing management demand the requirement of personal employees. This requirement should be sent to the human resource management so that it will be fulfilled by conducting the recruitment and selection procedure.

Train the employees to make them capable

Connecting planning and development programs enable the employees to implement the coordination to work to achieve the common goal.

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