UGC NET Paper Solution OB- 2018
UGC NET Paper Solution OB- 2018

UGC NET Paper Solution OB- 2018

Q.1) Which among the following is not a broader classification of motivation?

  1. Positive motivation
  2. Monetary motivation
  3. Negative motivation
  4. unitary motivation

Answer: 4


Positive and negative motivation are two major classifications of motivation which focuses on the positive perception of the human behaviour towards doing something and then the negative perception of the human behaviour towards some doing something

Financial or nonfinancial motivation can also described as monetary and nonmonetary motivation is the broader classification of motivation. So out of these four options fourth option, unitary motivation is the uncommon and simple classification of motivation or we can say narrow classification of motivation so that is why unitary motivation is not a broader classification of motivation.

Q.2) Match the items of list one with the items of list 2 and choose the correct answer from the code given below

 List-1:  type of personality List-2: second suitability to job
ASensation thinking personality          1Fit for human resource development job
BIntuition thinking personality2Fit for production and management position
CSensation feeling personality3Fit for research and development position
DIntuition feeling personality4Fit for the science and technology field


            A          B          C          D

  • 2          4          3          1         
  • 4          3          2          1         
  • 2          3          4          1         
  • 2          3          1          4         
  • Answer: c

Explanation :

Explanation of pair 1

Sensation thinking personality is belongs to the second option which is fit for production manager positions. Production management position requires facts and scientific management practices. Sensation thinking personality involves in implementing scientific management, scientific thinking, and fact-based decisions which required for the production management or production manager position that is why the right pair for option A is option two that is fit for the production management.

Explanation of pair 2

The second option is intuition thinking personality which belongs to option three and is fit for a research and development position. Intuition thinking personality focuses on pursuing the things and scientific investigation which is required in research and development. Intuition thinking enables an individual to be specific and focused on the best things as it has to be according to the purpose of research. And that is why research and development require this type of personality.

Explanation of pair 3

Sensation feeling is concerned with the practical experience of the things happening or things doing or implementing. In science and technology, it is very essential to feel all practical experiences of the things which are to be implemented so that is why sensation feeling is the best fit for science and technology as it belongs to enjoying things or feeling things.

Explanation of pair 4

 A human resource development job requires an intuition type of feeling which concern with perception and just observation of specific things. It belongs to the realization, observation, and understanding of what is right or what is wrong for implementation which belongs to our perception. Intuition-feeling personality enables the individual to take the right decision regarding performance evaluation, training the employees, etc. The staffing function of the HR Manager executed effectively through the intuition-feeling personality.

Q.3) Choose the correct code for the following statements being or incorrect

Ascertain A: Attitude develops over a period of time

Reason R: Attitudes are specific whereas values from a broader and more encompassing concept


  1. Statement I is correct but statement II is incorrect
  2. Statement II is correct but statement I is incorrect
  3. Both statements are correct
  4. Both statements are incorrect

Answer: 4


the statement one attitude develops over a period of time is not true as it can be developed in a short period of time that is dependent upon the person or the way we pursue any other factors.

Values are not broader than attitudes but the attitude that is broader and influences the values. Thus the second statement that is the reason is also incorrect.

Q 4) Ascertain A: In the 21st century we are going to need a new generation of leaders, not managers

Reason R: leadership is about developing a vision of a future rather than just aligning people by communicating this vision and inspiring them to overcome hurdles


  1. Both A and R are correct, and R is the correct explanation of A
  2. Both A & R are correct, but R is not the correct explanation of A
  3. A is correct but R is incorrect.
  4. Both A & R are incorrect

Answer: 1


Statement one is the right explanation regarding the leaders and managers in the context of today’s scenario. Whereas in the second statement, the reason due to which the leaders are more necessary in today’s business environment. The leaders more influence more and the authorized person than manages. That is why R is the correct explanation. Thus the right answer is option a) or 1.

Q. 5) Who proposed the balanced theory of attitude formation?

  1. Festinger
  2. Fritz Heider
  3. Charles Osgood and Percy Tannenbaum
  4. Rosenberg

Answer: 2

Q.6) Which one of the following is an element of motivation according to Rome’s vactrol balance theory?

  1. Involvement
  2. Equity
  3. Existence
  4. Instrumentality


Assertion: under stressful situations, a person is unable to listen to and understand the message correctly

Reason during stressful situations the psychological frame of mind changes and the message gets distorted due to the Phillips experience goals and values held by the receiver or the message


  1. Both A&R are correct and R is the correct explanation of a
  2. Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation
  3. It’s correct awareness or is incorrect.
  4. Art is correct whereas a is incorrect.

Answer: 1


the first sentence is correct as it shows the impact of the stressful situation on the person.

In a stressful situation, a person is not able to listen well understand, and capable to execute. In the second sentence, the reason for this impact is shown correctly. As in stressful situations, individuals’ mentality is affected due to psychological frame of mind changes, and what about the position understanding the person is trying to do get distorted. That is why both the statements are correct. Hence option a is the correct answer

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