Wide span of management
Wide span of management

Wide span of management

The wide span of management deals with direct controlling through various management practices that reduce the layers of management and increases the easy access to each activity. The following are key factors that belong to the span of management.  


 A wide span of management reduces the complexities and increases efficiency by reducing unnecessary efforts and increasing communication and access.

Communication and Collaboration

Communication and collaboration enhance the interlinkages between the management and subordinates. Span of management involves collaborating with individuals, groups, departments or an organization to advance the capability of management practices.

Distribution of the work

5Distribution of the work that can be professionally called a division of labor or division of work. Management practices always involve distributing the work among the groups individuals and departments in order to complete the work effectively properly and within the expected time.

Autonomy and empowerment

Delegation of authority among the various subordinate groups enhances the capability and potential of the group and individuals to complete the assigned task to stop. Authorities are the rights and powers given to the employees of groups or departments to complete the assigned responsibilities effectively and properly. By keeping the employees capable of taking decisions on their own and using the resources required to complete their assigned tasks, authorities play a vital role.

Skills set improvement and practices

Assign the task to the employees and the abilities or skills required to complete those responsibilities have a significant role in getting the expected result. The span of management deals with improving the skill set of the employees and ensuring the completion of all the design tasks and reporting to the authority.

For example, in any electronic product manufacturing company skilled employees are required to complete various operations required to manufacture the product. Span of management ensures their capability and skill sets is enough to complete the agenda responsibilities as per the standard set and

Positive impact on individual manager’s performance

Individual managers’ performance plays a very vital role in achieving the various objectives of the management. Span of management specialize and focus and limit the area within which the managers implement their management practices to achieve the expected results. A positive impact on the manager’s performance indicates the way the managers implement the management practices through the span of control sheets she is having. Span of management indicates the management’s practices executed with focus and hence it achieves the expected results efficiently effectively and properly.

Individual manager’s performance Improved by means of the specific span of control or sufficient span of control given to use the right power, to use the resources, and employ for the achievement of the expected result


               Production managers have the span of Management in regard to quantity resistance development and purchasing the raw material. Then then the manager can able to utilize all the resources to achieve the objective of the production management department. If the production management department sets the objective of producing 2000 units per day with the expected standard quality of the products without having the much more vestiges then the management span of management makes easiness of working hand achieving the expected results.

  • Marketing manager can have a sufficient span of control to use the budget sufficient budget for advertising expenses and for promotional activities. The sufficient span of control to the marketing manager animals their Excellency in the competition and exhibition of all the activities such as advertising promotion with a sufficient expenses budget.
Determine the framework or path for the organization

The Span of Management determined the path or the premise according to each and every activity of the organization and various functional areas of the organization will be executed. Excellence in the execution of the activities can be possible when there is a specific focus on all the activities to be executed in various functional areas of the management.


  1. Span of management for Human Resource managers determines the path or the sequence of various activities to be executed in order to make their work more easy and convenient.
Determinants of a span of management
Similarity of work

               If similar work is done by a number of employees or the subordinates of the manager then the manager can complete and lead the team very easily conveniently and effectively. It is very easy to supervise all these subordinates who are working on a similar type of work. A span of management gets affected by the homogeneous work performed by a number of subordinates working under the manager.

Employee’s potential

Employee potential includes the easiness of completing the task from the people for the manager. Manager always expects employee with more potential and productivity so that they can easily control those employees and complete their task. So the employees’ potential plays vital role in the span of management

Manager’s potential

Managers’ potential indicates how well the manager manages the team guides directs motivates the subordinates so that every team member of the manager can complete their work effectively properly and within the expected time and standard. The span of management can be influenced by how much managers its performing and unwell is completing the task from the people who are working under the manager. The span of management can be effectively implemented and can be reduced by means of the productivity of the manager.

Contribution to staff potential

Manager salvage drives to maintain the potential stop for organizations so that organizational productivity can be increased. So the manager or management department implements the training and development programs to increase the staff potential and they can easily control or leave the team to complete the work and achieve the expected results. Hence span of management includes the contribution to increase the stock potential by implementing various activities.

Number of responsibilities

A number of responsibilities given to the subordinate decides the size of control that the management is required to implement for the completion of the work assigned to the subordinates.

Complexities of work

If the work assigned to the employees is more defective from the perspective of employees’ potential then the employees cannot complete the work easily as as it has to. The span of management of the employees gets affected by the means of more complexity involved in the work as ahead of the subordinates

Technological advancement  

Technology advancement enhances the employee’s potential and effectiveness so that the managers can complete the Work within the expected time and standard. Technological advancement can provide an opportunity for the manager to control the team with accuracy and complete accordingly to achieve the expected result

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