Work-study/Work Design
Work-study/Work Design

Work-study/Work Design


Work study or Work design is the process that executes method or motion study and work measurement to determine the best possible ways of completing the operations and that too in the minimum possible time. It implements The scientific management practice that gives the results with more accuracy next

Work study consists of motion or methods study and work measurement

Motion or methods study

Motion study is the technique of operations management implemented in the organization to determine the best possible method or ways of completing various operations to manufacture the product or deliver the services. The method for motion study systematically collects the necessary information regarding the job or operations to be improved. The method study was implemented to simplify and improve the work. The organization implements the method study as per the following stages.

Select  (identification of the job or operation to improve)

Select or identify the work activity or operation due to improvement done at this stage. The first stage directs the method study to be implemented for the improvement of specific areas of business organization. It is very essential to know which work or area needs to be improved by implementing the method study so that the best possible solutions can be obtained.

Collect (Gather the necessary information regarding the identified job)

This is the second stage of the method or motion study which deals with collecting or gathering all the necessary information regarding the work or operation selected to improve. The necessary information is collected by utilizing various techniques, and equipment to get the data or information accurately and sufficiently. Different charts are utilized to gather the necessary information regarding the job selected to improve. Following are various charts used to gather accurate information for further utilization to improve the method.

Examine (Evaluation of the data to ensure whether it fulfills the need)

Examine stage involves in detailed analysis of the collected information by asking all the possible questions regarding needs or problems. This stage explores the detailed information that is necessary and meets the requirements for solving a problem or helping to improve the method.

Gathered information examined to determine whether the collected data meets the expected requirements for solving the problem. Examination of the data is done by applying the 360-degree perspective to determine the feasibility.

Develop( creation of the best possible solution/method or ways of doing work)

But after getting the necessary information and interpreting this information to know where is perspectives and answers to the questions the 4th stage in word in the creation of the best solution. At this stage of motion or method study the information used as input to create the best possible method or ways of doing so that work is completed easily and effectively. This stage focuses on innovation and reducing the cost. Method or motion study addresses all possible ways of doing the work and presents for further approval to install that created method.

Installation set of our preparation of created method or technique or ways of doing the work to implement

After reminding the innovative way of doing work or method of completion of the work the fifth stage of motion or method study involved making ready to set up to implement the developed method properly

At this stage, all the physical facilities are made available and prepared to start implementing the methods the techniques to complete the work innovatively. This method plays a very important role in providing innovative methods in a standard that is expected to get the improvement in the method. Wrongly installing installation causes Alt in the completion of the product work and leads to multi-production or delivery of services.

Every stage of the Methodist automation study plays a significant role in improving the method of doing work. If any stage fails to implement successfully leads to the production or delivery of services.


Maintain is the stage implemented after the successful implementation of developed methods to improve the ways of doing the work. The maintenance stage is involved in consistency in the implementation of developed or created ways of doing the work to get the expected output as per the pre-decided standard.

Maintenance management practices play a very important role in maintaining the developed technique for consistency. Following may be the practices implemented to maintain the implementation of developed methods.

Routine checkup of physical facilities installed for the developed methods

               Physical facilities which may consist of replacing part of machinery installing new machinery, or installing advanced technology need to be checked to ensure the consistent and proper working of install setup for implementing newly developed methods.

Evaluation of expected result and actual result after implemented method

               After installing the new methods in practice it is essential to ensure whether this method getting expected output or not. Evaluation involving comparing the standard result and actual results obtained by implementing newly developed methods. If there is much more difference between the standard or expected results and actual results obtained by implementing the new method then then again method study implemented in order to develop the appropriate methods to be implemented.

Train the human resource to make them potential

To maintain the success of newly adopted method or techniques it is essential to make or train the employees capable of completing the task by using newly adopted methods appropriately. If employees are not aware about the way they methods need to be implemented then the results expected or design before developing method study cannot possible to achieve. Some organization arrange the training and development programs in regards to make aware and expert the employees involved in implementing the newly developed methods.

Follow up for quality control and quality assurance

Regularly the gathering the data regarding the execution of newly adopted methods done to ensure the quality of the method expected to implement. Follow up ensure quality of the method to get the expected result. Quality inspector in the organization use the various tools or techniques to measure the performance of employee and physical facilities to ensure the quality of methods implemented.

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  1. Pingback: Work measurement » Management Studies 360d

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